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Displaying posts with tag: mysqlcamp02 (reset)
MySQL Camp II - Memorable Quotes Day 1

Better late then never, this week I finally have the chance to catch up on some overdue posts. At the first MySQL Camp I made a list of memorable Quotes, see Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. I didn’t get as much chance as last time, however here are some pearls of the recent MySQL Camp II.

“I walked in of the street for the free food. I’m here for the free education” - Adrian.

“I’m his boss, I’m here to make sure he’s really here, and not playing hooky.”

“Mashups, collating the worse bugs from multiple API’s all in one place” - OSCON badge

“Compiles 114,000 combinations of MySQL that we are interested in.” Sandro - Skoll Project — You mean to say there are …

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A MySQL Story

The Taso Dump

I’ve gotto go, my time has come. (maintenance window needed)
Could not get a lock. (table lock)
I needed a blocker to ensure a single thread. (–single-transaction)

Finally, got a lock. (–lock-tables)
Need to ensure no transactions lost.
Dump, Dump, Dump. (mysqldump)

I’m having flow problems.
Was the buffer to small? (key_buffer_size)
Was it the query cache? (query_cache)
My Dirty Pages may be too high? (innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct)
Or was it just Too Many Connections? (max_connections)
But it was just waiting on the flush (flush tables with read lock)

Time passes, Time Passes. No output yet.
Is it network saturation?
Is it IO bound?
Do I need a better flushing method (innodb_flush_method)
No, it was just the lag? (Seconds_behind_master)

Dump is complete (unlock tables)
Now it’s time to …

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MySQL Camp II - Post Dinner

MySQL Camp II is complete. A small group of about 18 had post dinner at Tiny Thai in New York City. Some elected to drive from Brooklyn, they arrived at least 30 minutes after those of us that the subway.

I have a lot of notes to write, if ever the time permits. For now, the following few that joined for drinks are below. I know other people took photos of the camp, for a change I actually took none. If you want to add a link in comments of photos from the camp that would be great.

Other sizes here

MySQL Camp II - Introductions

We have started MySQL Camp II. The first session is Introductions.

I didn’t catch all the employers, but here is part of the list of attendees at the Introduction section. Great to see multiple people from many places including ESPN,, Proven Scaling, Solid Tech - sponsors of Dorsal Source, ForSaleByOwner., 9Mmedia, CafeMom, JP Morgan, …

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MySQL Camp II - It begins

Well readers, your either here or your not. MySQL Camp II starts today in Brooklyn, New York, at Polytechnic University. Last night’s pre drinks meetup in NYC went well, but today it’s brass tacks time. View Larger Map

For those of you not able to make it, IRC@Freenode #mysql-camp will be the place to hang out to hear what’s happening. If your not at the camp, please identify yourself. Be sure to also check out the Camp Web Site MySQL Camp II for the plans for today and tomorrow.

For those of you not here, MySQL Camp III is already in planning.

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