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Displaying posts with tag: mysql changelog (reset)
MySQL 5.6.26 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.6.26 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.6, is GA), and is available for download here.

For this release, there are 3 “Functionality Added or Changed” items, 1 “Security Fix”, and 36 other bug fixes.

Out of those other 36 bugs, 13 are InnoDB, 1 Partitioning, 3 Replication, and 19 misc. (including 3 potentially crashing bug fixes, and 1 performance-related fix) Here are the ones of note:

  • Functionality Added/Changed: Replication: When using a multi-threaded slave, each worker thread has its own queue of transactions to process. In previous MySQL versions, STOP SLAVE waited for all workers to process their entire queue. This logic has been changed so that STOP SLAVE first finds the newest transaction that was committed by any worker thread. Then, it waits for all workers to complete …
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MySQL 5.6.25 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.6.25 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.6, is GA), and is available for download here.

For this release, there are 2 “Functionality Added or Changed” items of note:

  • Functionality Added/Changed: MySQL distributions now include an innodb_stress suite of test cases. Thanks to Mark Callaghan for the contribution. (Bug #76347)
  • Functionality Added/Changed: my_print_defaults now masks passwords. To display passwords in cleartext, use the new –show option.

In addition to those, there were 55 other bug fixes:

  • 10 InnoDB
  •   8 Replication
  •   3 Partitioning (one overlaps w/ an InnoDB bug fix)
  • 35 Miscellaneous (and 6 of …
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MySQL 5.6.24 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.6.24 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.6, is GA), and is available for download here.

For this release, there are 4 “Functionality Added or Changed” items:

  • Functionality Added/Changed: CMake support was updated to handle CMake version 3.1.
  • Functionality Added/Changed: The server now includes its version number when it writes the initial “starting” message to the error log, to make it easier to tell which server instance error log output applies to. This value is the same as that available from the version system variable. (Bug #74917)
  • Functionality Added/Changed: ALTER TABLE did not take advantage of fast alterations that might otherwise apply to the operation to …
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MySQL 5.7.7 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.7.7 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.7, and is the first “RC” or “Release Candidate” release of 5.7), and is available for download here and here.

As for the fixes/changes, there are quite a few again, which is expected in an early RC release.

The main highlights for me were (though the enhancements, and potentially impactful changes, are definitely not limited to this list):

  • Optimizer Note: It is now possible to provide hints to the optimizer within individual SQL statements, which enables finer control over statement execution plans than can be achieved using the optimizer_switch system variable. Optimizer hints are specified as /*+ … */ comments following the SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, …
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MySQL 5.7.6 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.7.6 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.7, and is the “m16” or “Milestone 16” release), and is available for download here and here.

As for the fixes/changes, there are quite a few (the official release was again split into 3 separate emails), which is expected in a “milestone” release.

The main highlights for me were (though the enhancements, and potentially impactful changes, are definitely not limited to this list):

  • Incompatible Change: The CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements have additional account-management capabilities. Together, they now can be used to fully establish or modify authentication, SSL, and resource-limit properties, as well as manage password expiration and account locking and …
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MySQL 5.6.23 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.6.23 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.6, is GA), and is available for download here.

For this release, there is 1 “Security Note”, 3 “Functionality Changed”, and 5 “Compilation Notes”, all benign, but let me address them:

  1. Security Note: The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has been updated from version 1.0.1j to version 1.0.1k. Issues fixed in the new version are described at
  2. Functionality Changed: Support for the SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols has been disabled because they provide weak encryption. (Bug #19820550, Bug #19921150)
  3. Functionality Changed: yaSSL was upgraded to version …
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MySQL 5.6.22 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.6.22 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.6, is GA), and is available for download here.

For this release, there is 1 “Security Note”, 2 “Functionality Changed”, and 5 “Compilation Notes”, all benign, but let me address them:

  1. Security Note: The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has been updated from version 1.0.1h to version 1.0.1j. Issues fixed in the new version are described at
  2. Functionality Changed: Replication: The variable binlogging_impossible_mode has been renamed binlog_error_action. binlogging_impossible_mode is now deprecated. (Bug #19507567)
  3. Functionality Changed:
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MySQL 5.7.5 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.7.5 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.7, and is the “m15″ or “Milestone 15″ release), and is available for download here and here.

As for the fixes/changes, there are quite a few (the official release was split into 3 separate emails), which is expected in such an early milestone release.

The main highlights for me were (though the enhancements, and potentially impactful changes, are definitely not limited to this list):

  • InnoDB: The innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter is now dynamic, allowing you to resize the buffer pool without restarting the server. The resizing operation, which involves moving pages to a new location in memory, is performed chunks. Chunk size is configurable using the new …
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MySQL 5.7.4 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.7.4 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.7, and is the “m14″ or “Milestone 14″ release), and is available for download here and here.

The 5.7.4 changelog begins with the following, so I felt it appropriate to include it here as well.

In Memoriam:

“This release is dedicated to the memory of two young engineers of the MySQL Engineering family, Astha and Akhila, whom we lost while they were in their early twenties. This is a small remembrance and a way to recognize your contribution to the 5.7 release. You will be missed.”

As for the fixes, there are …

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