One of the many cool new features in Java EE 6, is support for the DataSourceDefinition annotation.
The DataSourceDefinition annotation provides a way to define a DataSource and register it with JNDI. The annotation provided annotation elements for the commonly used DataSource properties. Additional standard and vendor specific properties may also be specified.
So let us look at an example:
@DataSourceDefinition(name = "java:global/MyApp/myDS",
className = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
portNumber = 1527,
serverName = "localhost",
databaseName = "testDB",
user = "lance",
password = "secret",
properties = {"createDatabase=create"}) )
The data source will be registered using the value specified in the name element and can be defined in any valid Java EE name space and that will determine the accessibility of the data …
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