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Displaying posts with tag: leopard (reset)
Snow Leopard blues

On Friday afternoon, I went to give a presentation about MySQL advanced features at the Sardegna Ricerche technology park. The presentation included a quick introduction to MySQL Sandbox, something that I have been doing for years, and I thought I could do blindfold, if required. However, something didn't go as expected.

Just when I was showing off how easy is it to install a MySQL sandbox from a tarball, I was faced by an unexpected error. The tar application was not among the recognized ones. As soon as I saw the error, I immediately knew what had …

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building c/odbc 5.1 on mac os x

to build connector/odbc 5.1 on mac os x leopard, the first thing you will need is xcode. then you will want to install a recent version of mysql (5.0 or 5.1, or even 6.0 if you are feeling adventurous).

to be able to build the gui setup library, you will need to install qt, but i have found it easiest to work with qt3, not the latest qt4. you can download the last release of that from trolltech’s ftp server — the file is called qt-mac-free-3.3.8.tar.gz. you will need to apply this patch to allow it to compile on leopard. i configure it with some options to eliminate stuff i don’t care about, and to build statically:

./configure …
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Reasons to upgrade to Leopard, The non fanboi reasons

Apple announced, as expected, a release date for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard. The date is October 26th, 2007 in case you missed it. Since everyone on the internet is a guru, and therefore, so am I, I will give you plebes reasons to upgrade to Leopard. But, first let me qualify myself worthy of such preachery (gurus can make up words).

  1. I’ve been using Leopard since January 2007, since I’m an ADC Member, and I have early access.
  2. I’ve been using it on my primary work machine since September 2007.
  3. This is the internet, and somehow you found this post to read, therefore you don’t know any better..

I’m going to assume that the build shipped to us ADC members, has been updated and will not be the build that will be released to the masses, there are still bugs in my release, but it’s leaps and bounds ahead of the August release, and very close to stable.

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