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Displaying posts with tag: date range of the SSL certificates (reset)
MySQL 5.5.42 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.5.42 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.5, is GA), and is available for download here:

This release, similar to the last 5.5 release, is mostly uneventful.

There were only 3 “Functionality Added or Changed” bugs this time, all related to SSL, and only 9 bugs overall fixed.

Out of the 9 bugs, there were 2 InnoDB bugs, and 1 replication bug, all of which seemed rather minor or obscure. Here are the ones worth noting:

  • Support for the SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols has been disabled because they provide weak encryption. (Bug #19820550, Bug #19921150)
  • yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.7. (Bug #19695101, Bug #20201864)
  • The valid date range of the SSL certificates in mysql-test/std_data has been extended to the year 2029. (Bug …
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