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Displaying posts with tag: dbunit (reset)
Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit

Here is the presentation material I used for my "Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit" presentation at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara, CA today.

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A PDF version of the presentation is available here, notes by Joe Stump ( are …

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Speaking at MySQL Conference 2008

I will present a session on Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2008 that is held April 14-17 2008 in Santa Clara, CA, US.Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit
In the last decade, PHP has developed from a niche language for adding dynamic functionality to small websites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large-scale Web systems. Critical business logic like this needs to work correctly. But how do you ensure that it does? You test it, of course.

To make code testing viable, good tool support is needed. This is where PHPUnit comes into …

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Proposals for MySQL Conference

Some of the bloggers on Planet MySQL are sharing their proposals for the upcoming 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo. Hereby, I follow their example and give you mine.

The first proposal I submitted is on PHPUnit and will showcase Michael Lively Jr.'s port of DbUnit:

Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit

In the last decade, PHP has developed from a niche language for adding dynamic functionality to small websites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large-scale Web systems. Critical …

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