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Displaying posts with tag: Rolling Upgrade (reset)
Upgrading your Galera Cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

Recently we had a question on getting your Galera Cluster upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. While we have plenty of extensive documentation on Upgrading Galera Cluster, this blog covers the Linux example for a rolling major upgrade (the procedure is documented, but this is more extensive). So we will describe going from MySQL 5.7.23 to MySQL 8.0.28 on one node. We did this on CentOS 7.

Firstly, let’s start by disabling SELinux by executing setenforce 0.

We need to install the appropriate MySQL 5.7 binaries, so we can grab them from Since we have decided on MySQL 5.7.23, we should get the packages from …

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Minor version upgrade of a Galera Cluster for MySQL

Recently we got a question about how one can perform a minor version upgrade of a Galera Cluster, and today we just want to say that it is reasonably straightforward. While upgrades are a feature of Galera Manager that we are most excited to see come soon, today, doing it manually on the command line is quite simple! In this post, we will go through upgrading a 9-node geographically spread cluster, from MySQL 8.0.23 to 8.0.26. We also have extensive documentation: Upgrading Galera Cluster.

We have 3 nodes each in Singapore, London and San Francisco, making the cluster comprise of a total of 9 nodes, as we can confirm by executing: show status like 'wsrep_cluster_size';.

Since we installed all this via the RPM package manager on CentOS 7 by adding the YUM repository to the …

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