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Displaying posts with tag: ActiveRecord (reset)
Using Active Record migrations beyond SQLite

SQLite is really a good tool to set up quick proof of concepts and small applications; however it’s not the most robust solution on the market for working with relational databases. In the open source community two databases take the top of the list: PostgreSQL and MySQL.

I did a small project for my studies. I was using SQLite as I didn’t need much out of it. Curious, I decided to see how the application would behave on other databases and decided to try PostgreSQL and MySQL. I had two problems to solve, and this post is about the first one: how to deal with the migrations. They were as follows:

Active Record automatically put the field id in all of its tables, that’s why it is omitted on the migrations.

In PostgreSQL it …

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DbCharmer – Rails Can Scale!

Back in November 2009 I was working on a project to port code base to Rails 2.2 and noticed that some old plugins we were using in 2.1 were abandoned by their authors. Some of them were just removed from the code base, but one needed a replacement – that was an old plugin called acts_as_readonlyable that helped us to distribute our queries among a cluster of MySQL slaves. There were some alternatives but we didn’t like them for one or another reasons so we’ve decided to go with creating our own ActiveRecord plugin, that would help us scale our databases out. That’s the story behind the first release of DbCharmer.

Today, six months after the first release of …

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Reusing models outside of Rails

If you have done a good job of building your rails models, you may find that they are helpful for your non-rails system maintenance and such. They may even be necessary to reuse if you follow the rails model of using activerecord validations (rather that database RI) to preserve the integrity of your data.

Or you may just find yourself rewriting the same code again and again, and want all that good railsiness to make it easier to write and maintain. Personally I find myself in some instance of ./script/console as often as irb just so I can get the activesupport helper methods ( 4.days.from_now and such) that many rails developers are surprised to find are not actually a standard part of ruby.

So, the good news is it is easy to reuse rails code outside of rails.

Let's say you want to do some data manipulation (reporting, loading, scrubbing, etc) in your rails db, …

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Reusing models outside of Rails

If you have done a good job of building your rails models, you may find that they are helpful for your non-rails system maintenance and such. They may even be necessary to reuse if you follow the rails model of using activerecord validations (rather that database RI) to preserve the integrity of your data.

Or you may just find yourself rewriting the same code again and again, and want all that good railsiness to make it easier to write and maintain. Personally I find myself in some instance of ./script/console as often as irb just so I can get the activesupport helper methods ( 4.days.from_now and such) that many rails developers are surprised to find are not actually a standard part of ruby.

So, the good news is it is easy to reuse rails code outside of rails.

Let's say you want to do some data manipulation (reporting, loading, scrubbing, etc) in your rails db, …

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Reusing models outside of Rails

If you have done a good job of building your rails models, you may find that they are helpful for your non-rails system maintenance and such. They may even be necessary to reuse if you follow the rails model of using activerecord validations (rather that database RI) to preserve the integrity of your data.

Or you may just find yourself rewriting the same code again and again, and want all that good railsiness to make it easier to write and maintain. Personally I find myself in some instance of ./script/console as often as irb just so I can get the activesupport helper methods ( 4.days.from_now and such) that many rails developers are surprised to find are not actually a standard part of ruby.

So, the good news is it is easy to reuse rails code outside of rails.

Let's say you want to do some data manipulation (reporting, loading, scrubbing, etc) in your rails db, …

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DB Charmer – ActiveRecord Connection Magic Plugin

Today I’m proud to announce the first public release of our ActiveRecord database connection magic plugin: DbCharmer.

DB Charmer – ActiveRecord Connection Magic Plugin

DbCharmer is a simple yet powerful plugin for ActiveRecord that does a few things:

  1. Allows you to easily manage AR models’ connections (switch_connection_to method)
  2. Allows you to switch AR models’ default connections to a separate servers/databases
  3. Allows you to easily choose where your query should go (on_* methods family)
  4. Allows you to automatically send read queries to your slaves while masters would handle all the updates.
  5. Adds multiple databases migrations to ActiveRecord


There are two options when …

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Small Tip: How to Enable ActiveRecord Logging in Merb

Today I was developing one small merb application for one of our projects and needed to see ActiveRecord logging on console like I do in Rails. After a short research I’ve found out that merb_active_record plugin passes its MERB_LOGGER to AR by default so I decided to try to change merb log level and here they are - my pretty colored AR logs!

So, if you want to see ActiveRecord logs in your application in development mode, then you need to add one line to your conf/environments/development.rb file:

puts "Loaded DEVELOPMENT Environment..."

MERB_LOGGER.level = Merb::Logger::DEBUG

That’s it for now. Long live merb!

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