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Displaying posts with tag: backup validation (reset)
Monitoring MySQL Backups With Datadog and TwinDB Backup Tool

Monitoring MySQL backups is a vital part of any reliable backup solution. By monitoring the most common disaster recovery metrics, the Recovery Time Objective and the Recovery Point Objective, you can find out if a backup job was successful and produced a usable backup copy. The TwinDB Backup Tool along with Datadog allows monitoring both […]

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TwinDB Really Loves Backups

A week or two ago one of my former colleagues (at Percona) Jevin Real gave a talk titled Evolving Backups Strategy, Deploying pyxbackup at Percona Live 2015 in Amsterdam. I think Jervin raised some very good points about where MySQL backup solutions in general fall short. There are definitely a lot of tools and scripts out there that claim to do MySQL backups correctly, but don’t actually do it correctly. What I am more interested though is in measuring TwinDB against the points that Jervin highlighted to see if TwinDB falls short too.


We distribute TwinDB agent as a package that can be installed using the standard OS package management system. For example, using YUM on CentOS, RHEL and Amazon Linux, or using APT …

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