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TEXT and VARCHAR inefficiencies in your db schema

The TEXT and VARCHAR definitions in many db schemas are based on old information – that is, they appear to be presuming restrictions and behaviour from MySQL versions long ago. This has consequences for performance. To us, use of for instance VARCHAR(255) is a key indicator for this. Yep, an anti-pattern.


In MySQL 4.0, VARCHAR used to be restricted to 255 max. In MySQL 4.1 character sets such as UTF8 were introduced and MySQL 5.1 supports VARCHARs up to 64K-1 in byte length. Thus, any occurrence of VARCHAR(255) indicates some old style logic that needs to be reviewed.

Why not just set the maximum length possible? Well…

A VARCHAR is subject to the character set it’s in, for UTF8 this means either 3 or 4 (utf8mb4) bytes per character can be used. So if one specifies VARCHAR(50) CHARSET utf8mb4, …

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