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Displaying posts with tag: Stepik (reset)
Stepicon 2017 and thoughts on MySQL MOOCs

I periodically do MySQL Troubleshooting tutorials. Every time I run them I have a dilemma on how to make tutorials more interactive. I tried:

  1. Just talk. But troubleshooting is about action, not about sitting and listening 
  2. Put tasks on my own website which required a lot of coding, not related to the talk and tasks themselves.
  3. Put tasks on VirtualBox image. Many attendees do not want to use flash drive or download big image from Internet.
  4. Put tasks into Amazon EC2 instance. This is practically good option, but expensive.
  5. Use machines, provided by tutorial organizers (conference or training center). This is, probably, the best option, but few do it.

I did not like any of these options as final solution. That's why for my last two tutorials I tried Stepik platform. This is how " …

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