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Displaying posts with tag: information schema (reset)
Defensive Data Techniques

As a data architect I always ensure that for any database schema change there a fully recoverable execution path.
I have generally advised to create a patch/revert process for every change.  For example, if a change adds a new column or index to a table, a revert script would remove the respective column or index.
The goal is to always have a defensive position for any changes. The concept is that simple, it is not complex.

In its simplest form I use the following directory and file structure.

        YYYYMMDDXX.sql     where XX,ZZ are sequential 2 digit numbers, e.g. 01,02
       YYYYMMDDXX.sql   This is the same file name in the revert sub-directory.

At any commit or tag in configuration management it is possible to create a current copy of the schema, i.e. use schema.sql.
It is also possible to take the first …

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Webinar 6/27: MySQL Troubleshooting Best Practices: Monitoring the Production Database Without Killing Performance

Please join Percona’s Principal Support Escalation Specialist Sveta Smirnova as she presents Troubleshooting Best Practices: Monitoring the Production Database Without Killing Performance on Wednesday, June 27th at 11:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).

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During the MySQL Troubleshooting webinar series, I covered many monitoring and logging tools such as:

  • General, slow, audit, binary, error log files
  • Performance Schema
  • Information Schema
  • System …
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Choose the Location of your InnoDB File-per-Table Tablespace

The April 2012 InnoDB labs release introduces a new feature in InnoDB that allows you to choose the location of specific tables.  For example, you can place critical tables onto an SSD drive while leaving the system tablespace on a hard drive.  Conversely, you can store you primary database files on an SSD and put a seldom used but very large archive or reference table on a larger cheaper hard drive.

Innodb now makes use of the following existing syntax in MySQL ;

CREATE TABLE  . . .  DATA DIRECTORY = ‘absolute path of data directory’;

CREATE TABLE  . . .  PARTITION . . . DATA DIRECTORY = ‘absolute path of data directory’;

This syntax is used in MyISAM and Archive engines to make use of symbolic links in those operating systems that support it.  But InnoDB can use this syntax on any OS since it stores the path in a new system table called SYS_DATAFILES.  There is also …

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Simple Query to identify Foreign Key references on Deadlocked Tables

The other day, I was troubleshooting a deadlock, and I wondered if any of the table’s columns were referenced by any foreign keys (fks) from any other tables in the instance.

Well, this is actually very simple with information_schema (I_S):


Where `parent` is the name of the table you’re searching for.

Note this query does not restrict on the database, or schema, name, but that could easily be added (or any other number of conditions). Here is an example where I only return the most useful columns (which could be useful for determining said conditions):


If there …

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Debugging InnoDB Locks using the new InnoDB Plugin’s Information Schema Tables

Tracking down InnoDB lock information using the new Information Schema tables provided with the InnoDB plugin has never been easier.

Long story short, the other day I was trying to identify what transaction was holding the lock for a particular UPDATE. The UPDATE would not complete and kept timing out with “Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction”.

Of course I checked the output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS. From that output, I could tell it was the replication thread holding the lock, *since* it was the only other transaction running. But I could not verify this with output, it just had to be the case.

Next I enabled the InnoDB lock monitor, and examined that output too. Here, it showed more detail on the locks being held, however, it only shows the first 10 locks held by the replication thread. In this case, the …

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Fun With Information Schema - How Big is My Drupal Database??

Lately, I've had a few people ask me "How much data is in our database?". Sure, you can look at the file sizes of MyISAM tables and indexes and get a ballpark figure, but what if you need exact results, or are running InnoDB storage engine? That proves to be more challenging! In playing around with the information_schema, I've put together some queries to help:

Calculate Index Sizes

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(index_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Index Size'
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database'; 
|Total Index Size  |
|1.70 GB           |

1 row in set (1.60 sec) 

Calculate the Total Size of Stored Data

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(data_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Data Size' 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database';
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Fun With Information Schema - How Big is My Drupal Database??

Lately, I've had a few people ask me "How much data is in our database?". Sure, you can look at the file sizes of MyISAM tables and indexes and get a ballpark figure, but what if you need exact results, or are running InnoDB storage engine? That proves to be more challenging! In playing around with the information_schema, I've put together some queries to help:

Calculate Index Sizes

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(index_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Index Size'
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database'; 
|Total Index Size  |
|1.70 GB           |

1 row in set (1.60 sec) 

Calculate the Total Size of Stored Data

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(SUM(data_length)/(1024*1024*1024), 2), ' GB') AS 'Total Data Size' 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'database';
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How do I create a simple MySQL database

I was asked this question recently “I am wanting to create a simple MySQL database consisting of 5 tables”?

While it’s easy to tell people to RTFM, the question does warrant an answer for the MySQL beginner to provide a more specific guidance as to where to start, and what to do. As a expert in MySQL it’s easy to forget how you would describe what to do. Here are my tips to getting started.

Step 1. Download the MySQL 5.1 software for your platform (e.g. Linux, Windows, Mac etc) from MySQL 5.1 Downloads. There are many different versions of MySQL, MySQL 5.1 is the current production version.

Step 2. You will need to install the MySQL software. The MySQL reference manual is the place to go, Chapter 2 describes installing MySQL. You can also download a copy of the manual in …

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Using information schema to show foreign key relations

The information schema in MySQL is a great tool for obtaining just about any type of meta-data about your MySQL server. It is a schema consisting of views that provide just about any information you would want to know about your MySQL installation. For instance, you can find out status and system variables, process listing, database object listing - schemas, tables, triggers, stored procedures and their organization within MySQL, user privileges. .

Originally, people would use SHOW commands to obtain this information. For instance, to see all the schemas (databases) within your MySQL instance:

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| admin              |
| aps                |
| contacts_db        |
| fed                |
| memc               |
| metatalk           |
| myschema           |
| mysql              |
| sakila             |
| syscp              |
| …
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Find All Tables With No Primary Key

A friend asked for this, so I thought it’d be helpful: All tables with no primary key:

use INFORMATION_SCHEMA; select CONCAT(t.table_name,".",t.table_schema) as tbl, from TABLES AS t LEFT JOIN KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS c ON (t.TABLE_NAME=c.TABLE_NAME AND c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=t.TABLE_SCHEMA AND constraint_name='PRIMARY') WHERE t.table_schema!="information_schema" AND constraint_name IS NULL;

All tables and their primary keys, if exist:

use INFORMATION_SCHEMA; select CONCAT(t.table_name,".",t.table_schema) as tbl, c.column_name,c.constraint_name from TABLES AS t LEFT JOIN [...]

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