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Displaying posts with tag: WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 [..] 2 (No such file or directory) (reset)
Percona XtraDB Cluster and SELinux: Getting It To Work

In this blog post, I’ll look at how to make Percona XtraDB Cluster and SELinux work when used together.

Recently, I encountered an issue with Percona XtraDB Cluster startup. We tried to setup a three-node cluster using Percona XtraDB Cluster with a Vagrant CentOS box, but somehow node2 was not starting. I did not get enough information to debug the issue in the donor/joiner error log. I got only the following error message:

2018-02-08 16:58:48 7910 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/var/lib/mysql/' --defaults-file '/etc/my.cnf' --defaults-group-suffix '' --parent '7910' --binlog 'mysql-bin' '
2018-02-08 16:58:48 7910 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to …
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