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Displaying posts with tag: Linux Perf (reset)
Measuring CPU stall reductions from Dynimize

Duration: 30 min

Level: Intermediate


In this tutorial we are going to install and experiment with Dynimize using MySQL running the Sysbench OLTP benchmark. We also play around with the Linux perf command, top and vmstat. This tutorial assumes that you have MySQL and the Linux perf tool installed, and that there are no other CPU intensive workloads on the system other than those being tested. In order for the Linux perf tool to report CPU event counts, this tutorial should be completed on either a bare metal Linux server, or if using a virtual machine guest then virtual PMU support must be enabled by the hypervisor.

The initial part of this tutorial is meant to illustrate how to determine if there is potential for Dynimize to speedup a mysql (or any other program) workload, by checking to …

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