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Displaying posts with tag: GDPR (reset)
MySQL Security – MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification

MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification hides sensitive information by replacing real values with substitutes in order to protect sensitive data while they are still look real and consistent.

MySQL TDE: Online key store migration

So, if we’re applying GDPR to our system, and we’re already making use of MySQL Transparent Data Encryption / keyring, then here’s an example on how to migrate from filed-based keyring to the encrypted keyring. Online.

If you’re looking to go deeper into the TDE then I suggest reading the MySQL Server Team’s InnoDB Transparent Tablespace Encryption blog.

You’d already have your environment running, whereas I have to create one.. give me a minute please, 8.0.12 here we come:

mysqld --defaults-file=my_okv.cnf --initialize-insecure --user=khollman
mysqld --defaults-file=my_okv.cnf --user=khollman &

mysql …
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On Innovation. Interview with Scott McNealy

“We made it a point to hire really smart, visionary people and then let them do their work.
I wanted to delegate and let people be in charge of things. My own decision-making process was to decide who got to decide. To make decisions, you have to first outline the problem, and if you hire really great people, they’re going to know more about the problem they’re dealing with than you ever will.”–Scott McNealy

I have interviewed Scott McNealy. Scott is a Silicon Valley pioneer, most famous for co-founding Sun Microsystems in 1982. We talked about Innovation, AI, Big Data, Redis, Curriki and Wayin.


Q1. You co-Founded Sun Microsystems in 1982, and served as CEO and Chairman of the Board for 22 years. What are the main lessons learned in all these years?

Scott …

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