The MySQL Document Store is a NoSQL JSON document store built
upon well known MySQL database technology. PHP runs about
eight percent of the Internet. So putting the two together
is a big priority for me. So this blog post is about getting all
this together on a Ubuntu 18.04 system.
Note that I will be teaching PHP and the X DevAPI at Oracle Code
One and hopefully in some tutorials/workshops this year.
These session will feature the X DevAPI installed on Virtual Box
images and I probably will not have time to cover these steps in
detail but I will point to this as reference material.
PHP 7.2 PHP's performance has really skyrocketed with the
seven series and the newer betas are looking very
impressive. But to use the new X Devapi you will need to
get the shared object for it into your PHP server.
The MySQL X DevAPI PECL Extension
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