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Displaying posts with tag: build and testing automation (reset)
How To Deploy PMM on Linode With StackScripts

In my previous blog post, I showed how to deploy Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) on Linode manually. It is pretty simple, but with a little coding it can be done even more easily using StackScripts

Here’s how:

1. Click on the “Add a Linode” and pick a Linode type you want to deploy.

2. Click on the deployed Linode and then click on the “Rebuild” Link

3. Click on Deploy Using StackScripts

4. On the resulting page search for “PMM” and pick PMMServer from PerconaLab.

5. Provide the host name for new Linode, pick the root password and click on “Rebuild”

6. Boot the server.

7.  You’re done. Wait for about 5 minutes for the installation to complete, then you can see PMM interface by going to this Linode …

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