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Displaying posts with tag: mysql-connector-node.js (reset)
MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0.23 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Node.js is a new Node.js driver for use with the X
DevAPI. This release, v8.0.23, is a maintenance release of the
MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0 series.

The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines
the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern,
NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing
traditional SQL.

MySQL Connector/Node.js can be downloaded through npm (see for details) or from

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see

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MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0.21 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Node.js is a new Node.js driver for use with the X
DevAPI. This release, v8.0.21, is a maintenance release of the
MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0 series.

The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines
the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern,
NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing
traditional SQL.

MySQL Connector/Node.js can be downloaded through npm (see for details) or from

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see

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