Installing MySQL Workbench 8 on Windows, we discovered that the default configuration no longer sets ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY as part of the default SQL_MODE parameter value. While I’ve written a stored function to set the SQL_MODE parameter value for a session, some students didn’t understand that such a call is only valid in the scope of a connection to the database server. They felt the function didn’t work because they didn’t understand the difference between connecting to the MySQL CLI and clicking the lightening bolt in MySQL Workbench.
So, here are the instructions to reset the default SQL_MODE parameter value for Windows. You need to edit the setting in the my.ini file, which is in the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0 directory. The default installation will have the following:
# Set the SQL mode to strict sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"
You need to change it to the following in an …
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