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Displaying posts with tag: Performance Regression (reset)
Faster MySQL Startup with Many Tables (1M+)

I have been scratching my head about MySQL startup for some time.  There is much to say about this, and many other posts will probably follow.  For now, it is enough to know that with many tables (millions) the startup of MySQL 8.0+ (including 8.0, 8.4 and 9.0) is suboptimal (to say the least).  With very little changes, I was able to speed it up, from 2:39 to 1:09 (one minute and

Free Page Consumption by InnoDB Table Compression (Percona backoff Algo. part #2)

In my previous post about InnoDB Stalls on Empty Free List, I used a test environment that might look a little artificial : a table larger than the InnoDB Buffer Pool but fitting in the Linux Page Cache.  This configuration allows serving very quickly what MySQL thinks are IOs because these are hit in the filesystem cache.  In this post, I explain why this environment is not

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