A couple of years back, MySQL embarked upon a strategy to be more open and encourage third-party companies to create their own pluggable storage engines. The strategy was partly a response to Oracle's acquisition of InnoDB, which was at the time the leading transactional storage engine. Since then, we've seen new storage engines announced and released every year, typically at the April MySQL Users Conference.
If you've been following his blog, then
you will already know that Ronald Bradford has joined PrimeBase
Technologies. We are very pleased to have him on board! As
many know, Ronald has always been very active in the MySQL
community as far as his job has made this possible.
Ironically during his time at MySQL he was less present in the
community than before. When we discussed our plans for PrimeBase
with him, Ronald was interested because it was an opportunity to
return to a more active role in the community. I am very glad
that this motivation was understood by almost everyone at MySQL
and we are all looking forward to seeing and hearing more from
But, of course, Ronald is not "just a pretty face" ;) He will be
helping us to design and specify our open source products
(including …