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451 CAOS Links 2009.07.31

When open source goes bad. Is open source a success or failure? And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

When open source goes bad

The H reported on the apparent turmoil at the CentOS project, while Jay Lyman offered the CAOS perspective. Meanwhile Slashdot reported that Alan Cox has quit as Linux TTY subsystem maintainer.

Success or failure?
Danny Windham, Digium CEO, …

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JRuby for Java Skeptics, GAP in Sao Paolo, Brazil, OpenSSO, OpenDS and GF, MySQL Users Conference

A compilation of today's news of interest:

From Ruby-land, Zargony is warming up to JRbuy and explains Why I'm starting to like JRuby even though I dislike Java. And Arun writes a short list of the Advantages of JRuby over MRI.

We have been sending notifications to GAP (the GlassFish Awards Program) for a while but on MOnday we had a …

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Week Highlights - CommunityOne, Awards, Jersey, Hudson, MySQL, Liferay...

News Summary - Jan 27th to Feb 3rd, 2008

• Community -

Last Call for CommunityOne!


Awards Program

&bull Hudson -

News Roundup

• Web Services -

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