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Displaying posts with tag: threading (reset)
Tech Messages | 2012-05-11

A special extended edition of Tech Messages for 2011-09-21 through 2012-05-11:

Simple Python: a job queue with threading

Every so often you need to use a queue to manage operations in an application. Python makes this very simple. Python also, as I’ve written about before, makes threading very easy to work with. So in this quick program I’ll describe via comments, how to make a simple queue where each job is processed by a thread. Integrating this code to read jobs from a mysql database would be trivial as well; simply replace the “jobs = [..." code with a database call to a row select query.

#!/usr/bin/env python
## DATE: 2011-01-20
## FILE:
## AUTHOR: Matt Reid
from Queue import *
from threading import Thread, Lock

'''this function will process the items in the queue, in serial'''
def processor():
    if queue.empty() == True:
        print "the Queue is empty!"
        job = queue.get()
        print "I'm operating on job item: %s"%(job)
        print …
[Read more] – MySQL (basic) connection pool support added

In this latest release I’ve added a basic MySQL connection pool to the benchmarking script which improves the method in which connections to MySQL are handled and reused. In addition, there have been some optimizations made to the thread handler functions for better debug reporting. Download the latest release now and see how your MySQL server performs against the rest of the community! Download here: download page.

Easy Python: multi-threading MySQL queries

There are many times when writing an application that single threaded database operations are simply too slow. In these cases it’s a matter of course that you’ll use multi-threading or forking to spawn secondary processes to handle the database actions. In this simple example for Python multi-threading you’ll see the how simple it is to improve the performance of your python app.

## DATE: 2010-08-30
## AUTHOR: Matt Reid
## Copyright 2010-present Matt Reid

from __future__ import division
from socket import gethostname;
import threading
import sys
import os
import MySQLdb

class threader(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,method):
        self.tx =
        self.method = method
    def run(self):

def run_insert():
    sql = "INSERT INTO table (`id`,`A`,`B`,`C`) VALUES …
[Read more] – MySQL benchmarking now supports multiple threads!

We had a very successful weekend of Planet.mysql users submitting their database statistics so I’ve pushed some code into a new release today so that everyone can benefit from some new features. The biggest change is to the threading logic. Previously the benchmarking script was serializing MySQL operations and only making use of a secondary thread (not the invoking thread) to query the database. Now you have the option of running with “–threads=x” to make use of your multi-core server. A good example of this improvement was on my Macbook Pro; before the threading change it was inserting ~700/sec, after the code change I tried –threads=4 and saw an improvement to ~900/sec. Rather significant.

Download the new script now and see how your server compares to the ones in the …

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