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Writing a book

I have in front of me a contract which I've signed and am sending out today. It's a contract to write a book for Wiley/Wrox titled "Developing Web Applications with Perl, Memcached, MySQL and Apache". I have never written a book before, so I'm wondering what this experience will be like. It seems like a huge task but one that I think I can handle both in terms of my experience and ability. This book is slated to be around 500 pages covering what the title suggests, of course in detail. Originally, Memcached wasn't included, but I thought that it's become an ever-increasingly used tool that is part of the LAMP stack (LAMMP?).

My goal is to create a book that helps web developers be able to build web applications using Perl as the language, MySQL as the database, Memcached as a read-through or write-through cache, Apache as the web server platform. With this book I hope create more interest in Perl web development. There are so many …

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