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Displaying posts with tag: Percentile (reset)
Greatest N per group: top 3 with GROUP_CONCAT()

In my opinion, one of the best things that happened to Planet MySQL lately, is Explain Extended, a blog by Alex Bolenok (also known as Quassnoi on Stackoverflow).

I never had the pleasure of meeting Alex in person, but his articles are always interesting and of high quality, and the SQL wizardry he pulls off is downright inspiring. I really feel humbled by the creativity of some of his solutions and his apparent experience with multiple RDBMS products.

Alex' most recent post is about aggregation, and finding a top 3 based on the aggregate:

In …

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MySQL: Another Ranking trick

I just read SQL: Ranking without self join, in which Shlomi Noach shares a nice MySQL-specific trick based on user-defined variables to compute rankings.

Shlomi's trick reminds me somewhat of the trick I came across little over a year ago to caclulate percentiles. At that time, several people pointed out to me too that using user-defined variables in this way can be unreliable.The problem with user-defined variablesSo what is the problem exaclty? Well, whenever a query assigns to a variable, and that same variable is read in another part of the query, you're on thin ice. That's because the …

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A fast, single pass method to calculate the median in MySQL

After stepping off of the GROUP_CONCAT() solution for calculating quantiles I figured it would be nice to find a better way to calculate the median too.
I previously wrote on how to calculate the median using GROUP_CONCAT(), but I think that this is a better way:

SELECT AVG(length) AS median -- take the average of left and right median
, MIN(length) AS left_median --
, MAX(length) AS right_median --
, @l AS left_median_position --
, @r AS right_median_position --
SELECT @n, length -- @n is just here to …
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MySQL Percentile aftermath: Calculating all quantiles

Are you getting fed up yet with my posts on calculating percentiles? Well, I'm sorry but I'm not quite finished.

Here's a simple, fast method to calculate the specified number of quantiles:

-- set the number of quantiles, for exmple:
-- quartiles: 4
-- deciles: 10
-- percentiles: 100

SET @quantiles:=4; -- select quartiles

-- calculate all quantiles
SELECT amount AS metric
, @n DIV (@c DIV @quantiles) AS quantile
, @n AS N
FROM sakila.payment
SELECT @n:=0 -- rownumber
, @c:=COUNT(*) …
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Calculating Percentiles with MySQL, Round 2

My previous post on calculating percentiles with MySQL generated some comments and good discussion. In particular, I got some very interesting comments from Vladimir.

Basically, Vladimir was doubtful whether the GROUP_CONCAT() solution would be optimal in comparison to a JOIN. His proposal is to solve it like this:

SELECT SUM(g1.r) sr
, g2.length l
, SUM(g1.r)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM film) p
FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) r, length FROM film GROUP BY length) g1
JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) r, length FROM film GROUP BY length) g2
ON g1.length < g2.length
GROUP BY g2.length
HAVING p > 0.9

First, this query sets up two identical subqueries in …

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Calculating the Nth percentile in MySQL

Yesterday, I was on the freenode ##pentaho irc channel when Andres Chaves asked me how to calculate the Nth percentile in MySQL. He saw a solution somewhere using subqueries, but wasn't too happy about it.

A while ago I wrote about calulating the median in MySQL, and it turns out the Nth percentile can be calculated using a similar, single-pass approach, not relying on subqueries, UDFs, or user-defined variables.
The percentile....
So, what is a percentile exactly? Here's what the wikipedia says:

A percentile is the value of a variable below which a certain percent of observations fall. So the 20th percentile is the value (or score) below which 20 …

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