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Displaying posts with tag: stories (reset)
MySQL User Camp, Bangalore – 27th April, 2018

MySQL User Camp is a forum where MySQL Engineers and community users come together to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge. This year’s first MySQL User Camp was held on 27th April 2018, at Oracle India Pvt Ltd, Kalyani Magnum Infotech Park, Bangalore with an excellent turnout of 60 attendees. The event began with a welcome […]

Trying out MySQL in Docker Swarm Mode

Orchestration tools are often used when scaling out an application stack. In a Docker environment, tools like Kubernetes, Mesos and Docker Swarm have typically been used for this purpose. Docker has brought significant updates to their orchestration offering with their latest release. In this blog post, we’ll give a contextual overview of the orchestration features offered in […]

MySQL User Camp, Bangalore – 26th June, 2015

MySQL User Camp Bangalore, organized on 26th June, 2015, was a huge success with an excellent turnout of 49 attendees. We got many users from different companies, like Flipkart, Snapdeal, CTS, Capgemini, Yahoo, VMware, HCL, Datavail, Bosch, Rakuten and more. The event started on time with a welcome speech by Balasubramanian Kandasamy, (Principal Member Technical Staff, […]

Testing MySQL repository packages: how we make sure they work for you

Around nine months ago, we launched the MySQL yum repositories for Enterprise Linux and Fedora, followed by apt repos for Debian and Ubuntu back in May. We’re extremely happy that the repos have proved to be a big hit with the community: the monthly number of downloads hit 100K recently and it is still growing […]

Repos and Distros: Upstream and Downstream

When we launched the official MySQL repos back in October, we wanted to achieve a number of things: First, we closed a gaping hole in our distribution on Linux. Some Linux distros do not ship all the MySQL products, and not everyone is able to or always wants to use the distro packages. And the […]

MariaDB: Improve Security with Two-Step Verification

In this primer I will show how to improve the security of your MariaDB installation by using two-step verification and how to use it from your Windows GUI client.

Let’s suppose you have your data in MariaDB, installed, say, on Ubuntu. And your users connect to it to run ad hoc queries, using some sort of a Windows GUI client. You don’t want them to write the access password on post-it notes or have it auto-entered by the client. And you don’t want anyone see the password when one of the salespersons connects to the mother ship from his laptop in the Internet café. So you decide to use the two-step verification, just like Google does, to secure the access to the data.

If you don’t know what a “two-step verification” is, see, for example, this introductory video by Google.

So, 2-step verification looks great, but how …

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OLX and MariaDB

OLX, a free classifieds site, is serving up 40 million pages a day using MariaDB. Not an insignificant task.

There’s a nice write-up in the MariaDB knowledgebase with particulars. In short, the 5.2 series of MariaDB and some of the unique features of the project have made a migration easy and valuable.

It’s nice to hear such stories. Both because we like interesting sites and projects, as well as our natural interest in larger scale or larger visibility deployments. Got a story to share? Please create a KB entry, or e-mail the community team.

Get social and healthy with GlassFish

Two new stories have been published this week and both of them use GlassFish 3.1 in production. If you haven't seen them before, "Stories" is a blog with production use of GlassFish by small, medium, and large users with user questionnaires describing their experience with the rest of the community.

The first story is PointDebate, a "social network company that stir up, engage and give voice to most diverse opinions". They've been following pretty closely all the recent updates of GlassFish and now run the latest 3.1 version (only a month after it was released). They application is built using Java EE 6 and JSF in particular with RichFaces. The full architecture includes MySQL as well as EHCache and uses JMS to "decouple …

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Get social and healthy with GlassFish

Two new stories have been published this week and both of them use GlassFish 3.1 in production. If you haven't seen them before, "Stories" is a blog with production use of GlassFish by small, medium, and large users with user questionnaires describing their experience with the rest of the community.

The first story is PointDebate, a "social network company that stir up, engage and give voice to most diverse opinions". They've been following pretty closely all the recent updates of GlassFish and now run the latest 3.1 version (only a month after it was released). They application is built using Java EE 6 and JSF in particular with RichFaces. The full architecture includes MySQL as well as EHCache and uses JMS to "decouple …

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Bzr hacks and tricks: diff -p

I don’t know about you, but I like diff -p [1].  Having used it for years, I can read these diffs like a text, while diffs without -p often need to have the original file opened side by side, just to get enough of the context.

Loving diff -p so much, I want to see it everywhere (evil laughter). Alas, in bzr only diff command can easily use -p, just run it as bzr diff --diff-options=-p or store it as an alias in the ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf.

Actually, for an alias there is a better, although more verbose, alternative:

diff = "diff --diff-options='-F ^[[:alpha:]$_].*[^:]$'"

Unlike simple -p it will not think that a word ending with a semicolon (like a label or, say, public: and …

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