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Displaying posts with tag: warnings (reset)
Warnings are now actual problems

Yesterday, I reached a happy milestone in HailDB development. All compiler warnings left in the api/ directory (the public interface to the database engine) are now either probable/possible bugs (that we need to look at closely) or are warnings due to unfinished code (that we should finish).

There’s still a bunch of compiler warnings that we’ve inherited (HailDB compiles with lots of warnings enabled) that we have to get through, but a lot will wait until after we update the core to be based on InnoDB 1.1.

Show warnings with MANY MANY warnings

What to do when you have too many warnings and would like to check them out.

Say you were trying to run a query which returned a heap of warnings and you want to go through the list ….

mysql> load data infile '/aaa/bbb/ccc' into table xyz LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 65535 warnings (4 min 25.12 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                        |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect value: '' for column 'xx' at row 1   |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect value: '' for column 'xx' at row 9   |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect value: '' for …

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