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Displaying posts with tag: hackathon (reset)
Fosdem MySQL & Friends Devroom – Innotop hackathon

What about an hackathon to fix several issues in Innotop during this Fosdem 2016 edition ?

As the MySQL & Friends Devroom is on Saturday, Sunday would be the perfect day to find a nice place in the bar and work on resolving the open issues in Innotop to support MariaDB 10.1, MySQL 5.7…

If you are interested just send me a tweet (@lefred) and we can arrange this meeting.

Can the People's House become a social platform for the people?

InSourceCode developers work on "Madison" with volunteers.

There wasn't a great deal of hacking, at least in the traditional sense, at the "first congressional hackathon." Given the general shiver that the word still evokes in many a Washingtonian in 2011, that might be for the best. The attendees gathered together in the halls of the United States House of Representatives didn't create a more interactive visualization of how laws are made or a mobile health app. As open government advocate Carl Malamud observed, the "hack" felt like something even rarer in the "Age of the App for That:"

Impressed @MattLira pulled off a truly bipartisan tech event on the hill. …

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The organizers of OSDC::Israel::2009 have asked me to help them find sponsors for their event.

The Open Source Developers' Conference in Israel, 2009 is planned to be a low-cost three-day muliple track conference held somewhere in Israel. The conference will be held in the beginning of 2009. Exact dates and location will be announced later on our mailing lists.

The conference theme is Open Source Tools with an emphasis on Test Automation and Quality Assurance. The talks presented at the conference will be about practical uses of Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby and some other languages and technologies.

I am particularly intrigued by the idea of the …

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