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Displaying posts with tag: ColdStore (reset)
Application Specific Storage Formats

The idea of storing data in a format that is specific to an application should be summarily rejected. It is a throw back to the earliest days of the computer industry when every application stored its data uniquely.

Once general purpose data processing applications came along in the form of database engines, and, in particular, SQL and many applications that could work on any data through SQL statements storing data in application unique formats was a no-no because doing so eliminated the value of all those applications.

However the MySQL structure that separates the database engine from the storage engine creates an opportunity to get the best of both worlds. The storage engine is responsible only for the physical storage and retrieval of the data, while the database engine provides most of the functions. Data that is stored using a custom storage engine works transparently as part of all the function that MySQL …

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Application Specific Storage Formats

The idea of storing data in a format that is specific to an application should be summarily rejected. It is a throw back to the earliest days of the computer industry when every application stored its data uniquely.

Once general purpose data processing applications came along in the form of database engines, and, in particular, SQL and many applications that could work on any data through SQL statements storing data in application unique formats was a no-no because doing so eliminated the value of all those applications.

However the MySQL structure that separates the database engine from the storage engine creates an opportunity to get the best of both worlds. The storage engine is responsible only for the physical storage and retrieval of the data, while the database engine provides most of the functions. Data that is stored using a custom storage engine works transparently as part of all the function that MySQL …

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ColdStore - How it works

ColdStore's performance advantage isn't magic, nor is it a demonstration of a poor MyISAM implementation. It performs better than MyISAM because it maintains the data on disk in a layout that is optimal for the kinds of SELECTs that the ColdLogic analysis applications typically require, bearing in mind how real disks actually perform. It wraps together the effect of MyISAM's INSERT and ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY, but it is doing it at a granularity that avoids any lock out of SELECTs.

(ALTER TABLE... ORDER BY locks out SELECTs for weeks for a table with just a few hundred million rows).

It performs better than ALTER TABLE...ORDER BY because it reads the disk more "intelligently" for it's specification application and is manages memory for rows itself rather than leaving it to the operating system. (See "Second SELECT" …

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ColdStore - How it works

ColdStore's performance advantage isn't magic, nor is it a demonstration of a poor MyISAM implementation. It performs better than MyISAM because it maintains the data on disk in a layout that is optimal for the kinds of SELECTs that the ColdLogic analysis applications typically require, bearing in mind how real disks actually perform. It wraps together the effect of MyISAM's INSERT and ALTER TABLE ... ORDER BY, but it is doing it at a granularity that avoids any lock out of SELECTs.

(ALTER TABLE... ORDER BY locks out SELECTs for weeks for a table with just a few hundred million rows).

It performs better than ALTER TABLE...ORDER BY because it reads the disk more "intelligently" for it's specification application and is manages memory for rows itself rather than leaving it to the operating system. (See "Second SELECT" …

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ColdStore - Availability?

ColdStore was produced to solve a particular problem - a performance problem for a particular application. The purpose of making the information available about ColdStore is to find out if there is any interest in any broader use for the solution. If there is interest, we will make it available in an appropriate form.

If you think ColdStore might be of use to you, feel free to contact us. Compare your application requirements with this. Let us know something about what you want to d with it and let's figure out how to go forward.

ColdStore - Availability?

ColdStore was produced to solve a particular problem - a performance problem for a particular application. The purpose of making the information available about ColdStore is to find out if there is any interest in any broader use for the solution. If there is interest, we will make it available in an appropriate form.

If you think ColdStore might be of use to you, feel free to contact us. Compare your application requirements with this. Let us know something about what you want to d with it and let's figure out how to go forward.

ColdStore - Performance vs MyISAM - Extreme

We are continually measuring and tuning the performance of ColdStore. The latest results show a 1100 times improvement over the straightforward use of MyISAM and about 27 times faster than optimized MyISAM.

This is for the select

SELECT date,sum(sales) FROM  product_list JOIN bigtable USING(product) GROUP BY date

That is to say: determine the sales over time for a selection of products. The time series was two thousand dates, and the product list was one thousand items. Using ColdStore for 'bigtable' MySQL inspected
486,898 rows per second. Simple MyISAM inspected 424 rows per second. Optimized MyISAM 15,591.

ColdStore - Performance vs MyISAM - Extreme

We are continually measuring and tuning the performance of ColdStore. The latest results show a 1100 times improvement over the straightforward use of MyISAM and about 27 times faster than optimized MyISAM.

This is for the select

SELECT date,sum(sales) FROM  product_list JOIN bigtable USING(product) GROUP BY date

That is to say: determine the sales over time for a selection of products. The time series was two thousand dates, and the product list was one thousand items. Using ColdStore for 'bigtable' MySQL inspected
486,898 rows per second. Simple MyISAM inspected 424 rows per second. Optimized MyISAM 15,591.

ColdStore - Performance vs MyISAM - Index Size

For a test database of 182M rows(about 3BG of data file), the optimized MyISAM index was about 1.5GB. The unoptimized index file was about  2.5GB. The ColdStore index was a little over half a megabyte, which is about 3000 times smaller than the optimized MyISAM index.

You don't get this kind of size reduction by packing the data more carefully. It is due to a completely different index design conception.


ColdStore - Special Application Requirements

The application for which the ColdStore Storage Engine was developed has some special requirements, but requirements that are by no means unique.

The application is essentially trivial. It stores data (such as Sales or Stock levels) for a number of Products on a number of Days, and it retrieves these data for analysis. The data arrives in real time (eg daily). The analysis is typically by product. The appication could be as simple as:

INSERT INTO BIGTABLE (product,date,sales) .....

SELECT product,date,sales FROM BIGTABLE where product in (X) ORDER BY DATE

Obviously BIGTABLE is indexed on PRODUCT in order to make the SELECT run fast.

What makes the application complicated is this:

1. There are millions of products.

2. The data arrives daily, including sales for hundreds of thousands of products, for that date.

3.The analysis (and …

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