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Displaying posts with tag: replace (reset)
Making “Replace Into” Fast, by Avoiding Disk Seeks

In this post two weeks ago, I explained why the semantics of normal ad-hoc insertions with a primary key are expensive because they require disk seeks on large data sets. Towards the end of the post, I claimed that it would be better to use “replace into” or “insert ignore” over normal inserts, because the semantics of these statements do NOT require disk seeks. In this post, I explain how the command “replace into” can be fast with fractal trees.

The semantics of “replace into” are as follows:

  • if the primary (or unique) key does not exist, insert the new row
  • if the primary (or unique) key does exist, overwrite the existing row with the new row

The slow, expensive way B-trees use to implement these semantics are:

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Case Insensitive REPLACE() for MySQL

One request I occasionally see is for a case insensitive version of REPLACE() for MySQL. I wrote this a while back, but here it is now for all of you to play around with. It uses a basic naïve string search algorithm, so can be slow under some circumstances.

CREATE FUNCTION `replace_ci` ( str TEXT,needle CHAR(255),str_rep CHAR(255))
        DECLARE return_str TEXT DEFAULT '';
        DECLARE lower_str TEXT;
        DECLARE lower_needle TEXT;
        DECLARE pos INT DEFAULT 1;
        DECLARE old_pos INT DEFAULT 1;
        SELECT lower(str) INTO lower_str;
        SELECT lower(needle) INTO lower_needle;
        SELECT locate(lower_needle, lower_str, pos) INTO pos;
        WHILE pos > 0 DO
            SELECT concat(return_str, substr(str, old_pos, pos-old_pos), str_rep) INTO return_str;
            SELECT pos + char_length(needle) INTO pos;
            SELECT pos …
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