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Displaying posts with tag: Mondrian (reset)
Need a Mondrian .WAR? Check out XMondrian.

To whom it may concern, this is a quick note to bring the xmondrian project to your attention. Introduction: Open Source OLAP, Mondrian, Pentaho, and JasperSoftMondrian is the open source OLAP engine. Mondrian provides:

  • a multi-dimensional view of a relational database (ROLAP)
  • a MDX query engine
  • Clever, advanced caching layers to speed up OLAP query performance (making it a MOLAP/ROLAN hybrid i.e., HOLAP)
  • Standards compliant OLAP data access by providing XML for Analysis (XML/A) and …
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MDX: "Show Parents" - Redux: A generic and systematic MDX query transformation to obtain the lineage of each member

A couple of months ago I wrote about how you can use the MDX functions Ancestors() and Ascendants to retrieve the full lineage of members. (See: "MDX: retrieving the entire hierarchy path with Ancestors()".)

As you might recall, the immediate reason to write about those functions was to find a pure MDX solution to implement the "Show Parents" / "Hide Parents" functionality offered by OLAP cube browsers. To recap, developers of MDX-based pivot tables face a challenge when rendering the result of a query like this:

SELECT CrossJoin(
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MDX: retrieving the entire hierarchy path with Ancestors()

A couple of days ago I wrote about one of my forays into MDX land (Retrieving denormalized tabular results with MDX). The topic of that post was how to write MDX so as to retrieve the kind of flat, tabular results one gets from SQL queries. An essential point of that solution was the MDX Ancestor() function.

I stumbled upon the topic of my previous blogpost while I was researching something else entirely. Creating flat tables and looking up individual ancestors is actually a rather specific application of a much more general solution I found initially. Pivot tables and the "Show Parents" functionalityGUI OLAP tools typically offer a pivot table query interface. They let you drag and drop measures and dimension items, like …

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Starring Sakila: MySQL university recording, slides and materials available onMySQLForge


Yesterday I had the honour of presenting my mini-bi/datawarehousing tutorial "Starring Sakila" for MySQL University. I did a modified version of the presentation I did together with Matt Casters at the MySQL user's conference 2009. The structure of the presentation is still largely the same, although I condensed various bits, and I added practical examples of setting up the ETL process and creating a Pentaho Analysis View (OLAP pivot table) on top of a Mondrian Cube.

The slides, session recording, and materials such as SQL script, pentaho data integration jobs and transformations, and Sakila Rentals Cube for Mondrian are all available here on MySQL Forge.
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Presentation slides, and …

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Pentaho Partner Summit ‘09

Dear reader,

In a little over 3 weeks, April 2nd and 3rd, we’re organizing a Pentaho Partner Summit at the Quadrus Conference Center in Menlo Park near San Francisco.

If you are (as the invitation describes) an “Executive, luminary, current or prospective partner from around the world” and if you come over you’ll meet myself, Julian Hyde and perhaps a couple of other architects as well.  That is outside of a host of other interesting people like Zack Urlocker (MySQL) and of course Richard Daley our CEO. We’ll be doing a couple of lengthy sessions on Kettle and Mondrian …

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