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Getting started with MySQL 5.5

Some time go, we announced a new release model for MySQL. As all new things, it had some initial hiccups (with MySQL 5.4 we were still getting acquainted with the new model), but now it seems to be in full swing.
By the time you read these lines, MySQL 5.5 will be available. If the mirrors aren't seeded yet, the impatient can compile and use the new version from the launchpad source tree..

OverviewWhat's this new …

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The New MySQL Server Release Model

When I joined MySQL back in June of 2005, one of the first “MySQL Truths” I learned and repeated often when discussing MySQL with others was “release early, release often.” If you’ve been using MySQL for any length of time, you know what that statement means – it meant that MySQL was: (1) dedicated to getting new features and enhancements into the hands of its community so the software’s quality could be validated; (2) eager to take early feedback on those features so the input could rapidly be incorporated back into the product allowing everyone to benefit; (3) committed to very frequent releases of the software so helpful new features and/or external contributions that were ready for action could quickly be put into play and not sit idle on the shelf. And if you’ve been around Open Source for a while now, you know this is the spirit in which most providers of Open Source software operate.

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