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Displaying posts with tag: loop (reset)
Handy stored procedure for regular DBA tasks

As a stored procedures fan, I use MySQL stored procedures to get some of my DBA tasks accomplished. To make it simple, I have a template stored procedure that can be customized for several purposes.
The template syntax contains cursor, continue handler, loop, if condition and prepared statement. Thought it may be useful for others – at least, who are searching for the MySQL Stored Procedure syntax – so I’m publishing this post!

Use case: Reorganize tables partition:

In MySQL Cluster, it is required to reorganize all NDB tables’ partitions after adding new data nodes to rebalance the data across all nodes. Also the tables need to be optimized afterwards to reclaim the memory space. For this task I use the following procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS reorganize_tables;
CREATE PROCEDURE reorganize_tables (IN db_name VARCHAR(50))

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Use of loops in MySQL stored procedures

Loops -> Repetitive tasks

3 types of loops in MySQL stored program:
- Simple loop using LOOP and END LOOP clauses
- WHILE and END WHILE clauses that runs while a condition is true
- REPEAT  and UNTIL clauses that runs until a condition is true

Termination of loop -> LEAVE statement.

I will demonstrate the use of loops the simple loop way.

Simple counter from 1 to 10:

Store below stored procedure in a file named my_loop.sql




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MySQL Magic Square 4x4 : Routines, Loop , Variables

I got sidetracked today playing with Magic Squares and thought it might be a good chance to give an example of using MySQL Routines , Loops and IF checks.

So If you are unaware of what a Magic Square is I have included a few links. It might save you a Google search but otherwise think Sudoku as an example.

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