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Displaying posts with tag: aggregations (reset)
How to support COUNT(DISTINCT expression) expressions with Flexviews.

Unlike COUNT(expression), COUNT(DISTINCT expression) is not a distributable function. That is, the expression can not be computed by looking at only the changed rows in the table change logs.

The following view can not be FAST refreshed with Flexviews today:

SELECT a a_alias, 
       b b_alias, 
       c c_alias, 
       COUNT(DISTINCT d) d_alias
 GROUP BY a, b, c;

However, a dependent child materialization could be created to support the value for COUNT(DISTINCT d):

-- child materialization, dependent subview
--There will be one row for each DISTINCT value of d

SELECT a a_alias, 
       b b_alias, 
       c c_alias, 
       count(*) d_alias_cnt
 GROUP BY a, b, c, d;

The original view could then be rewritten as:

SELECT a a_alias, 
       b b_alias, 
       c c_alias, …
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