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Displaying posts with tag: auto-increment (reset)
MySQL INT (INTEGER) Data Types with Different Examples

This article explains the SIGNED and UNSIGNED integer data types in MySQL and provides examples to illustrate when and how to use these integer data types effectively.

The post MySQL INT (INTEGER) Data Types with Different Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

Better Primary Keys, a Benefit to TokuDB’s Auto Increment Semantics

In our last post, Bradley described how auto increment works in TokuDB. In this post, I explain one of our implementation’s big benefits, the ability to combine better primary keys with clustered primary keys.

In working with customers, the following scenario has come up frequently. The user has data that is streamed into the table, in order of time. The table will have a primary key that is an auto increment field, ‘id’, and then have an index on the field ‘time’. The queries the user does are all on some range of time (e.g. select sum(clicks) from foo where time > date ‘2008-12-19’ and time < date '2008-14-20';).

For storage engines with clustered primary keys (such as TokuDB and InnoDB), having such a schema hurts query performance. Queries do a range query on a secondary index (time), and then perform point …

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Autoincrement Semantics

In this post I’m going to talk about how TokuDB’s implementation of auto increment works, and contrast it to the behavior of MyISAM and InnoDB.  We feel that the TokuDB behavior is easier to understand, more standard-compliant and offers higher performance (especially when implemented with Fractal Tree indexes).

In TokuDB, each table can have an auto-increment column.  That column can be used as any part of a key, but it doesn’t have to be part of any key.  The value produced by auto incrementing is always greater than the previous maximum value for that column. There are some cases where auto-incremented values are skipped, such as when a transaction aborts, which “uses up” auto-incremented values.

This behavior is close to that required for SQL:2003 (see SQL:2003 at wikipedia), which specifies that each table provides one unnamed sequence which behaves essentially in the way we implemented …

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