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Displaying posts with tag: sqlalchemy (reset)
Using SQLAlchemy with MySQL 8


I few months ago, I wrote about using the Django framework with MySQL 8. There are also other Python frameworks that are worth considering. In this blog, I will look at using SQLAlchemy with MySQL 8.

In order for you to be able to use MySQL 8 with SQLAlchemy, you need three pieces of software: MySQL Server, MySQL Connector/Python, and SQLAlchemy. I will go through the installations, then I will look at a code example.


The examples in this blog uses MySQL Server 8.0.15, MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.15, and SQLAlchemy 1.2.18. It should be possible to reuse the instructions with other MySQL versions as well, except in older MySQL versions you …

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OpenStack users shed light on Percona XtraDB Cluster deadlock issues

I was fortunate to attend an Ops discussion about databases at the OpenStack Summit Atlanta this past May as one of the panelists. The discussion was about deadlock issues OpenStack operators see with Percona XtraDB Cluster (of course this is applicable to any Galera-based solution). I asked to describe what they are seeing, and as it turned out, nova and neutron uses the SELECT … FOR UPDATE SQL construct quite heavily. This is a topic I thought was worth writing about.

Write set replication in a nutshell (with oversimplification)

Any node is writable, and replication happens in write sets. A write …

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Integration news x 2

Brian Aker starts work on a memcache engine for mysql. so your memcache cache acts just like a table.

the big thing here which I’ve seen asked for a couple of times on the memcached list is the ability to see a list of keys.

mysql > select * from foo1 WHERE k=”mine”;

freaking amazing.. I love these kind of mashups.

and the 2nd important event.

Django is starting a branch to integrate SQLAlchemy

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