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Displaying posts with tag: db4o (reset)
Benchmarking ORM tools and Object Databases.

“I believe that one should benchmark before making any technology decisions.” An interview with Pieter van Zyl creator of the OO7J benchmark. In August last year, I published an interesting resource in ODBMS.ORG, the dissertation of Pieter van Zyl, from the University of Pretoria:“Performance investigation into selected object persistence stores”. The dissertation presented the OO7J [...]

451 CAOS Links 2010.04.09

Perspectives on the IBM patent hoo-ha. Karmasphere lands funding. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# IBM denied breaking its open source patent promise, claimed TurboHercules a member of organizations founded and funded by Microsoft, other competitors. Perspectives on the IBM patent hoo-ha: Florian Mueller, Simon Phipps, Matt Asay, Jim Zemlin, Eric Raymond.

# Oracle will …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.11.06

Funambol acquires Zapatec. Open source gains Closure. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

# Funambol acquired Zapatec, an AJAX web 2.0 frameworks vendor.

# The top ten issues facing open source users, according to Mark Radcliffe.

# Google …

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