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Displaying posts with tag: ip address (reset)
In a proxy-ed world, where do connections come from?

Overview The Skinny

Database Proxies provide a single entry point into MySQL for the calling client applications.

Proxies are wonderful tools to handle various situations like a master role switch to another node for maintenance, or for transparency with read and write connections.

However, when the time comes to perform the switch action, all of the calling clients have been funneled through the proxy, so identification of the calling host from the database itself becomes difficult.

The Problem What is going on?

Let’s illustrate how not knowing the source of a client connection can be an issue for the database administrator…

In the following diagram, three client applications connect to a Tungsten Cluster via the Connector proxy:

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Configuring the Tungsten Connector for PCI Compliance

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

We were wondering if the Connectors would be able to bind to localhost/ instead of Since the Connector is installed on the application servers, all of the connections are coming from localhost. We would like to limit this exposure so that the 3306 port is not exposed externally. We ask because we are failing PCI checks that are able to access the database port externally.

The Answer YES!

You may set the IP address for the Connector to listen on by using the tpm command option: property=server.listen.address={IP_ADDRESS}

To force the Connector to listen on the localhost only use the following example:

shell> tools/tpm configure alpha --property=server.listen.address=
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-release

Use the IP …

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Storing IP addresses in a MySQL data table

For a lot of log processing, I need to store IP addresses in a database table. The standard process was always to convert it to an unsigned int in perl or php and then insert it. Today I discovered an easier way. MySQL's INET_ATON function. It takes an address in dotted quad format and converts it into an INT. So, all you have to do is this:

INSERT INTO table (ip) VALUES (INET_ATON('$ip_address'));

And done.

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