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Displaying posts with tag: encrypt (reset)
Using Vault with MySQL

Using Vault with MySQL

In my previous post I discussed using GPG to secure your database credentials. This relies on a local copy of your MySQL client config, but what if you want to keep the credentials stored safely along with other super secret information? Sure, GPG could still be used, but there must be an easier way to do this.

This post will look at a way to use Vault to store your credentials in a central location and use them to access your database. For those of you that have not yet come across Vault, it is a great way to manage your secrets – securing, storing and tightly controlling access. It has the added benefits of being able to handle leasing, key revocation, key rolling and auditing.

During this blog post we’ll accomplish the following …

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Encrypt MySQL data using AES techniques

Learn how to encrypt/decrypt MySQL data using AES techniques by the following article Encrypt MySQL data using AES techniques

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