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Displaying posts with tag: dbbenchmark (reset) – configuring OpenBSD for MySQL benchmarking

Here are some quick commands for installing the proper packages and requirements for the MySQL dbbenchmark program.

export PKG_PATH=""
pkg_add -i -v wget
pkg_add -i -v python
Ambiguous: choose package for python
 a       0: 
         1: python-2.4.6p2
         2: python-2.5.4p3
         3: python-2.6.3p1
Your choice: 2

pkg_add -i -v py-mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql-server
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python
gzip -d dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar.gz
tar -xvf dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar
cd dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26
./ --print-sql
 - login to mysql and execute sql commands
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