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Displaying posts with tag: phpbarcelona (reset)
mysqlnd plugins for PHP in practice

If you follow my blog or twitter stream you might know I've recently been at Barcelona to attend the PHP Barcelona conference. Conferences are great for exchanging ideas one of the ideas I discussed with Combell's Thijs Feryn: They are a hosting company providing managed MySQL instances to their customers, as such they run multiple MySQL servers and each server serves a few of their customers. Now they have to provide every customer with database credentials, including a host name to connect to. The issue there is that a fixed hostname takes flexibility out of the setup. Say you have and over time you figure out that there are two high load customers on db1 while db2 is mostly idle. …

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Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona

Recently I gave a few public presentations and started to convert the slides for making them available online. Here's the first bunch with slides from two conferences which were held in October, the International PHP Conference in Germany and PHP Barcelona in Spain. As always: The spoken word is missing on the slides ...

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