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Displaying posts with tag: netbeans (reset)
Rewriting the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorial cycle: help wanted!

I've been reworking the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorials. The new version should be ready for 7.0 Beta 2 release. In the new version:

  • I replaced mysql functions with mysqli functions.
  • With the help of Christoper Jones, I've added OCI8 versions of the code for connecting to Oracle Database
  • I've fixed some old bugs and improved the tutorials overall.

In the course of this work, two things have come to my attention. These are two things that you can help with.

  • The title Creating a CRUD Application... is not very appealing.
  • The sample CSS used for Lesson 8 is terrible.

So first, can anyone suggest a new title? We have one suggestion already, internally: Creating a Database Application …

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TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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TOTD #122: Creating a JPA Persistence Unit using NetBeans 6.8

Taking TOTD #121 forward, this blog explains how to create a JPA Persistence Unit for a MySQL sample database and package it as a library. This JAR file can then be easily included in other web applications.

Lets get started!

  1. Configure GlassFish for using the MySQL sample database (sakila) as described in TOTD #121.
  2. Add the GlassFish instance in NetBeans IDE using "Services" panel.
  3. Create JPA entities using NetBeans IDE.
    1. Create a Java class library:

      Our ultimate goal is …
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TOTD #122: Creating a JPA Persistence Unit using NetBeans 6.8

Taking TOTD #121 forward, this blog explains how to create a JPA Persistence Unit for a MySQL sample database and package it as a library. This JAR file can then be easily included in other web applications.

Lets get started!

  1. Configure GlassFish for using the MySQL sample database (sakila) as described in TOTD #121.
  2. Add the GlassFish instance in NetBeans IDE using "Services" panel.
  3. Create JPA entities using NetBeans IDE.
    1. Create a Java class library:

      Our ultimate goal is …
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TOTD #122: Creating a JPA Persistence Unit using NetBeans 6.8

Taking TOTD #121 forward, this blog explains how to create a JPA Persistence Unit for a MySQL sample database and package it as a library. This JAR file can then be easily included in other web applications.

Lets get started!

  1. Configure GlassFish for using the MySQL sample database (sakila) as described in TOTD #121.
  2. Add the GlassFish instance in NetBeans IDE using "Services" panel.
  3. Create JPA entities using NetBeans IDE.
    1. Create a Java class library:

      Our ultimate goal is …
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CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.02.05

Topics for this podcast:

*Matt Asay moves from Alfresco to Canonical
*GPL fade fuels heated discussion
*Apple’s iPad and its enterprise and open source impact
*Open source in data warehousing and storage
*Our perspective on Oracle’s plans for Sun open source

iTunes or direct download (32:50, 9.2 MB)

451 CAOS Links 2009.12.11

Sun updates Java platform. Red Hat open sources SPICE. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

# Sun has released Java Platform EE 6, Glassfish 3, and NetBeans 6.8.

# Red Hat released its …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.10.30

Government adoption. Financial results. New funding. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

Government approval
The US Department of Defense issued guidance on the adoption of open source software, while ComputerWorld reported that the U.S Department of Defense has open-sourced an …

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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 195
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