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Displaying posts with tag: connector (reset)
MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.19 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python 8.0.19 is the latest GA release version of the
MySQL Connector Python 8.0 series. The X DevAPI enables application
developers to write code that combines the strengths of the relational
and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that does not
assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see

For more information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in MySQL
Connector/Python, and its usage, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server …

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MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.19 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.19 is a new version in the MySQL Connector/ODBC
8.0 series, the ODBC driver for the MySQL Server.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI driver
based on the same modern codebase. Please select the driver type you
need based on the type of your application – Unicode or ANSI.
Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable
for use with the latest MySQL server version 8.0.

This release of the MySQL ODBC driver is conforming to the ODBC 3.8
specification.  It contains implementations of key 3.8 features,
including self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver, streaming of out for
binary types only), and support of the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION
connection attribute (for the Unicode driver only).

The release is now available in source …

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MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.18 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.18 is a new version in the MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0 series, the ODBC driver for the MySQL Server.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI driver based on the same modern codebase. Please select the driver type you need based on the type of your application – Unicode or ANSI. Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable for use with the latest MySQL server version 8.0.

This release of the MySQL ODBC driver is conforming to the ODBC 3.8 specification.
It contains implementations of key 3.8 features, including self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver, streaming of out for binary types only), and support of the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (for the Unicode driver only).

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages …

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10 Reasons Why Tungsten Clustering Beats the DIY Approach for Geo-Distributed MySQL Deployments

Why does the DIY approach fail to deliver vs. the Tungsten Clustering solution for geo-distributed MySQL multimaster deployments?

Before we dive into the 10 reasons, note why commercially-supported enterprise software is less risky and in fact less costly:

  • The labor time spent building and maintaining a DIY solution costs more than a supported solution that just works.
  • There is documentation, training, support, so your mission-critical process is never dependent upon an irreplaceable individual.
  1. Tungsten Clustering is a complete solution, comprised of the Replicator, Manager and Connector components
    • With DIY, you must first decide the architecture, then select the individual tools to handle each layer of the topology. …
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How to use Round-Robin Load Balancing with the Tungsten Connector

Overview The Skinny

Part of the power of Tungsten Clustering for MySQL / MariaDB is its intelligent MySQL Proxy, known as the Tungsten Connector. The Tungsten Connector has built-in read-write splitting capabilities, and it is also possible to configure different algorithms which select the appropriate slave (i.e. Round-Robin or Lowest-Latency).

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

How do we best share the load between read-only slaves? Currently, there appears to be an imbalance, with most of the read-only queries reaching just one slave. What may we do to improve this situation?

This customer noticed that a couple of long …

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MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.9 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.9 is the fifth GA release with .NET Core
now supporting various connection-string options and MySQL 8.0 server

MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.9 is the final release in the 6.10 series.

To download MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.9 GA, see the “Generally Available
(GA) Releases” tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.9 (2019-07-29, General Availability)

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

     * Connector/NET now supports IPV6 connections made using
       the classic …

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In a proxy-ed world, where do connections come from?

Overview The Skinny

Database Proxies provide a single entry point into MySQL for the calling client applications.

Proxies are wonderful tools to handle various situations like a master role switch to another node for maintenance, or for transparency with read and write connections.

However, when the time comes to perform the switch action, all of the calling clients have been funneled through the proxy, so identification of the calling host from the database itself becomes difficult.

The Problem What is going on?

Let’s illustrate how not knowing the source of a client connection can be an issue for the database administrator…

In the following diagram, three client applications connect to a Tungsten Cluster via the Connector proxy:

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How can I tell which Tungsten Connector mode I am using: Bridge, Proxy/Direct or Proxy/SmartScale?

Overview The Skinny

Part of the power of Tungsten Clustering for MySQL / MariaDB is its intelligent MySQL Proxy, known as the Tungsten Connector. Tungsten Connector has three main modes, and depending on the type of operations you are performing (such as if you need read-write splitting), we help you choose which mode is best.

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

How can I tell which Tungsten Connector mode I am using: Bridge, Proxy/Direct or Proxy/SmartScale?

The Answer Connect and Observe

You may login through the Connector to tell the difference between Bridge mode and Proxy mode (either Direct or SmartScale):

In Proxy mode, you will see the -tungsten tag appended to the Server version string:

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Configuring the Tungsten Connector for PCI Compliance

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

We were wondering if the Connectors would be able to bind to localhost/ instead of Since the Connector is installed on the application servers, all of the connections are coming from localhost. We would like to limit this exposure so that the 3306 port is not exposed externally. We ask because we are failing PCI checks that are able to access the database port externally.

The Answer YES!

You may set the IP address for the Connector to listen on by using the tpm command option: property=server.listen.address={IP_ADDRESS}

To force the Connector to listen on the localhost only use the following example:

shell> tools/tpm configure alpha --property=server.listen.address=
shell> tools/tpm update --replace-release

Use the IP …

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Using Keep-Alives To Ensure Long-Running MySQL & MariaDB Sessions Stay Connected

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we will discuss how to use the Tungsten Connector keep-alive feature to ensure long-running MySQL & MariaDB/Percona Server client sessions stay connected in a Tungsten Cluster.

Agenda What’s Here?

  • Briefly explore how the Tungsten Connector works
  • Describe the Connector keep-alives – what are they and why do we use them?
  • Discuss why the keep-alive feature is not available in Bridge mode and why
  • Examine how to tune the keep-alive feature in the Tungsten Connector

Tungsten Connector: A Primer A Very Brief Summary

The Tungsten Connector is an intelligent MySQL database proxy located between the clients and the database servers, providing a single connection point, while routing queries to …

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