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Displaying posts with tag: git (reset)
Connector/J moves to Git

I’m pleased to announce that Connector/J has a new home.

Just as several other MySQL products, Connector/J source code management moved to Git and, pretty much as expected, to GitHub. Our reasoning is nothing else than listening to our users demands and trying to follow best trends and practices. There was nothing significantly wrong with Bazaar and Launchpad, as they served us well for the last seven years. It was just time to move on.

Rest assured, all will work as before, no complications no hassles. Our public GitHub repository will expose Connector/J source code as it is in the latest generally available (GA) release, as it has been for the last years.

From now on you will find …

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How to install Phalcon PHP framework in Ubuntu linux?

Well, we have all heard about the fastest php framework out there. But how do we install it in a Ubuntu Linux machine.

Default process for any linux setup.


1. First, we need  a few packages previously installed. To install them, issue the distro specific command in your linux terminal.

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-mysql gcc libpcre3-dev

For Fedora:

sudo yum install php-devel php-mysqlnd gcc libtool


sudo yum install php-devel php-mysql gcc libtool

For Suse:

yast2 -i php5-pear php5-devel php5-mysql gcc

Basically, here we are installing the dev tools we require to compile and setup the Phalcon extension.

2. Get the Phalcon build using git

git …

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MariaDB moves development to Github

Today marks a milestone in terms of the MariaDB project – going forward, the MariaDB project plans to use Github and git for source code management. The migration happens from Launchpad and the bzr tool.

The 10.1 server development (under heavy development now) will happen on Github. You can check it out here: Feel free to watch, star or even fork the code, and send us contributions!

Previous maria-captains should now provide their Github IDs so that they can be accorded similar status. Send the IDs to the maria-developers mailing list.

The project eventually wants to move the 10.0, 5.5, 5.3, …

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Converting MySQL trees to git

I have put up a set of scripts on github: Why do I need these? Well… if only bzr fast-export|git fast-import worked flawlessly for large, complex and old trees. It doesn’t.

Basically, when you clone this repo you can run “./” and it’ll pull BZR trees for the project, convert to git and clean things up a bit. You will likely have to edit the scripts as I have them pointed at branches on my own machine (to speed up the process, not having to do fresh BZR branches of MySQL trees over the network is a feature - it’s never been fast.). You’ll also want to edit the git remotes to point where you want git trees to end up.

I’ve done it for:

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Experimental Git mirror of Oracle MySQL trees

I’ve been working on setting up mirrors on github of all our BZR branches. My first efforts that are at a suitable stage to share are mirrors of the Oracle MySQL trees. This is currently a snapshot of MySQL 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6 with all the tags preserved. I’ve managed to get GIT to compact down the repository to a mere 177MB on disk for all the history, which is rather impressive.

Go check it out:

This should be considered experimental and I may end up pushing up something better at some point soon – i.e. don’t rely on being able to merge later update (think rebase rather than merge).

The post Experimental Git mirror of Oracle MySQL trees appeared first on …

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RFC - DBdeployer : Bringing MySQL Sandbox to a new level

MySQL Sandbox is growing old

The MySQL Sandbox project has been around for 8 years, and it has gained considerable attention from the community. I have seen it mentioned in books and articles, used in other projects, and widely adopted by testers and bug reporters.
I have used it for more than testing, and it has saved me many hours of labor by allowing me to create database servers in a few seconds.
Yet, I have gathered a long list of grievance about it, both from my own experience and from other users feedback. Here goes.

  • MySQL Sandbox is not easy to install. For people used to install Perl modules, it feels natural. For experienced Perl users, installing it in user space without root access is …
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NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3 1.00.00

It’s been released. Use this with NIST::NVD 1.00.00 and you will be able to perform immediate look-ups of CVE and CWE data given a CPE URN. For instance:

cjac@foxtrot:/usr/src/git/f5/NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3$ perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make test ; cjac@foxtrot:/usr/src/git/f5/NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3$ perl -MNIST::NVD::Query -MData::Dumper -e '
$q = NIST::NVD::Query->new(store    => q{SQLite3},database => q{t/data/nvdcve-2.0.db});
$cve_list = $q->cve_for_cpe( cpe => q{cpe:/a:microsoft:ie:7.0.5730.11} );
print Data::Dumper::Dumper { cve_list => $cve_list, first_cvss => $q->cve( cve_id => $cve_list->[0] )->{q{vuln:cvss}} }
$VAR1 = {
          'cve_list' => [
          'first_cvss' => {
                            'cvss:base_metrics' => { …
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how to setup gitorious on ubuntu server 11.10

In this tutorial I will describe how to setup gitorious on Ubuntu 11.10. Gitorious – a Ruby on Rails web application – can be used to conclude git projects in an easy to manage user interface. In the README of the gitorious repository I found the evidence “One of the main challenges in Gitorious is its installation process. It is anything but trivial.” – It appears correct During the installation I got some errors by the sphinx search engine and some ruby gems. You will find the workarounds in this tutorial.


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The real way to start hacking on OpenStack

I've seen recent attempts at blog posts to show how to get started at hacking on an OpenStack project.  Unfortunately they seem to have over-complicated the issue for new users.  As part of the Core Infrastructure team it is my job to make submitting, reviewing and merging code easier for developers.  This includes documenting that process, so here goes :)

  1. You need a Launchpad account and need to be joined to the Openstack team.  You can also join the team of one of the many subprojects if you want to.  Make sure Launchpad has your SSH key, Gerrit (the code review system) uses this.
  2. Sign the CLA as outlined in section 3 of the How To Contribute wiki page …
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NIST::NVD CWE development – follow along

I’m in the process of getting the tests passing for the 0.03 release of NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3 wherein our hero imports the CWE data and cross-indexes it with CVEs and CPEs.

Follow along and suggest some patches. I’m developing on Debian Wheezy, but I would very much like input from devs on other platforms.;a=summary

cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ time git clone
Cloning into 'NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3'...

real    0m32.757s
user    0m0.200s
sys     0m0.088s
cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ ls NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3/t/data/
cwec_v2.1.xml  nvdcve-2.0-test.xml

Publish your patches and I’ll fetch them, or you can submit them in udiff format and I’ll review/apply. Thanks for playing along!

[edit 20120216T1456 -0800] …

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