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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #5a: making things faster without reducing durability - using better hardware

This is a follow-up post in the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the previous posts, we explored the consequences of reducing durability on masters (different data inconsistencies after an OS crash depending on replication type) and the performance boost associated with this configuration (benchmark results done on Google Cloud Platform / GCP).  The consequences are summarised in

MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #4: benchmarks of high and low durability

This is a follow-up post in the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the three previous posts, we explored the consequence of reducing durability on masters (including setting sync_binlog to a value different from 1).  But so far, I only quickly presented why a DBA would run MySQL with such configuration.  In this post, I present actual benchmark results.  I also present a

The Fast Way to Import CSV Data Into a Tungsten Cluster

The Question Recently, a customer asked us:

After importing a new section of user data into our Tungsten cluster, we are seeing perpetually rising replication lag. We are sitting at 8.5hrs estimated convergence time after importing around 50 million rows and this lag is climbing continuously. We are currently migrating some of our users from a NoSQL database into our Tungsten cluster. We have a procedure to write out a bunch of CSV files after translating our old data into columns and then we recursively send them to the write master using the mysql client. Specifically our import SQL is doing LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE and the reading in a large CSV file to do the import. We have 20k records per CSV file and we have 12 workers which insert them in parallel.

Simple Overview The Skinny

In cases like this, the slaves are having trouble with the database unable to keep up with the apply stage …

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Quickly configure replication using DBdeployer [SandBox]

Quickly configure replication using DBdeployer [SandBox]
We might have different scenarios when we need a quick setup of replication either between the same version of MySQL (Like 8.0 --> 8.0) or between the different version of MySQL (Like 5.7 --> 8.0) to perform some testings. 

Here in this blog post, I will explain how we can create our replication lab setup quickly using the virtual machine and DBdeployer tool. 

Let's see, how to create replication between the same version and different version of MySQL using DBdeployer step by step. 

Create CentOS VM Please find my …

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MySQL Group Replication

So MySQL's group replication came out with MySQL 5.7. Now that is has been out a little while people are starting to ask more about it.

Below is an example of how to set this up and a few pain point examples as I poked around with it.
I am using three different servers,


mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN group_replication SONAME '';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

vi my.cnf

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InnoDB Cluster: Recovering an instance with MySQL Enterprise Backup.

Ok, so if you’re reading this, then I can guess you’ve got a MySQL InnoDB Cluster in an awkard shape, i.e. you need to restore a backup and add the instance back into the cluster, so we have all our instances again.

As it might be logical to think “ah, but I’ve only lost 1 instance, a read-only instance, so all I have to do is backup & restore the other read-only instance and I’m home free. Well I want to make it a little harder. So in this scenario, assume that we’ve lost both the READ-ONLY instances, so I need to backup my primary READ-WRITE instance.

I’ve got a 8.0.16 instance, on Oracle Linux 7.4. We’ll be looking at 2 hosts, ic1 & ic3.

We’ll be using the MySQL Enterprise Edition Server, that bundles MySQL Enterprise Backup with the rpm’s so we don’t need to install anything else.

I’ll assume you’ve got access to Oracle …

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Exposing MyRocks internals Via system variables: Part 6, Replication

(In the previous post, Part 5, we covered Data Reads.)

In this blog post, we continue our series of exploring MyRocks mechanics by looking at the configurable server variables and column family options. In our last post, I explained at a high level how reads occur in MyRocks, concluding the arc of covering how data moves into and out of MyRocks. In this post, we’re going to explore replication with MyRocks, more specifically read-free replication.

Some of you may already be familiar with the concepts of read-free replication as it was a key feature of the TokuDB engine, which leveraged fractal tree indexing. TokuDB was similar to MyRocks in the sense that it had a pseudo log-based storage …

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Understanding Cross-Site Replication in a Tungsten Composite Multi-Master Cluster for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post we will discuss how the managed cross-site replication streams work in a Composite Multi-Master Tungsten Cluster for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server.

Agenda What’s Here?

  • Briefly explore how managed cross-site replication works in a Tungsten Composite Multi-Master Cluster
  • Describe the reasons why the default design was chosen
  • Explain the pros and cons of changing the configuration
  • Examine how to change the configuration of the managed cross-site replicators

Cross-Site Replication A Very Brief Summary

In a standard Composite Multi-Master (CMM) deployment, the managed cross-site replicators pull Transaction History Logs (THL) from every remote cluster’s current master node. …

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Flashback Recovery in MariaDB/MySQL Servers

In this blog, we will see how to do a flashback recovery or rolling back the data in MariaDB, MySQL and Percona.

As we know the saying  “All humans make mistakes”, following that in Database environment the data modified accidentally can bring havoc to any organisations.

Recover the lost data

  • The data can be recovered from the latest full backup or incremental backup when data size is huge it could take hours to restore it.
  • From backup of Binlogs.
  • Data can also be recovered from delayed slaves, this case would be helpful when the mistake is found immediately, within the period of delay.

We can use anyone of the above ways or other that can help to recover the lost data, but what really matters is, What is the …

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File/Pos Replication : Skip Slave's sql_thread error [COMMAND]

File/Pos Replication : Skip Slave's sql_thread error [COMMAND]

For binlog file & position based replication setup, To skip the slave's sql_thread error, run below command.

stop slave;  set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1; start slave; select sleep(3); show slave status\G

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