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Displaying posts with tag: DBA (reset)
MongoDB for MySQL folks part 3 - More on queries and indexes

Last time I wrote about MongoDB for MySQL DBAs I described some of the basics of MongoDB querying, and this time I'll follow that up with some more on querying.

As we saw last time, the basic format of a MongoDB query is:
Note that you do NOT replace db with the name of the database you want to query here, you just make the database you want to use the current one and issue the query, such as:
> use test
> db.mycoll.find()
The example above will find all objects in the mycoll collection, and will include all the object attributes and also the key (_id), like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0634807b16556bf46b214"), "c1" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0634a07b16556bf46b215"), "c2" : 1 }
{ "_id" : …

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MongoDB for MySQL folks part 3 - More on queries and indexes

Last time I wrote about MongoDB for MySQL DBAs I described some of the basics of MongoDB querying, and this time I'll follow that up with some more on querying.

As we saw last time, the basic format of a MongoDB query is:
Note that you do NOT replace db with the name of the database you want to query here, you just make the database you want to use the current one and issue the query, such as:
> use test
> db.mycoll.find()
The example above will find all objects in the mycoll collection, and will include all the object attributes and also the key (_id), like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0634807b16556bf46b214"), "c1" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0634a07b16556bf46b215"), "c2" : 1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eb0635607b16556bf46b216"), "c1" : 2, "c2" : 2 } …

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Partition exchange preview in MySQL 5.6

MySQL 5.6 proposes improved partition maintenance through "partition exchange". Even if not yet available, dbi services performed some tests on the MySQL Community Edition5.6.2 m5 release (still under Development).

TIL: Lookout For DEFINER

The Issue
I haven't blogged in a while an I have a long TODO list of things to publish: The repository for the SNMP Agent, video and slides of my OSCON talk and a quick overview of MHA master-master support. In the meantime, here's a little fact that I didn't know from MySQL CREATE VIEW documentation:

Although it is possible to create a view with a nonexistent DEFINER account, an error occurs when the view is referenced if the SQL SECURITY value is DEFINER but the definer account does not exist.How can this be possible?
The ProblemFor a number of reasons we don't have the same user accounts on the master than we have on the slaves (ie: developers shouldn't be querying the master). Our configuration files include the following line:


So if …

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MySQL HA Agent Mini HowTo

Why This Post
While testing Yoshinori Matsunobo's MHA agent I found that although the wiki has a very complete documentation, it was missing a some details. This article intends to close that gap and bring up some issues to keep in mind when you do your own installation. At the end of the article I added a Conclusions section, if you're not interested in the implementation details, but to read my take on the project, feel free to jump straight to the end from here.

My Test Case
Most of our production environments can be simplified to match the MHA's agent most simple use case: 1 master w/ 2 or more slaves and at least one more slave in an additional tier:

Master A --> …
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MySQL Global status difference using MySQL procedures / functions

As a MySQL DBA, I guess you use the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS command or the corresponding INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL STATUS table to show current mySQL status quite often. And many of us use different tools to collect that data and view it.

But sometimes we use same command from the SQL prompt, because we have to, because it's the only option or just because that is the most convenient way. And often you kick of two such command in a row, a few seconds apart, just to see how things are moving:
... DBA picks his or her nose for a few seconds ...

And then you can see how things are advancing. But how much? To figure of how much, you have to calculate the differnce between the values returned by those two statements. And then there is another issue. How much is the difference per second? To know what the difference is per second, we …

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Back in February I wrote an article titled A Small Fix For mysql-agent. Since then we did a few more fixes to the agent and included a Bytes Behind Master (or BBM) chart. For those who can't wait to get their hands on the code, here's the current version: MySQL SNMP agent RPM. For those who'd like to learn about it's capabilities and issues, keep reading.

What to Expect From this Version
The article I quoted above pretty much describes the main differences with the original project, but we went further with the changes while still relying on Masterzen's code for the data collection piece.

The first big change is that we transformed Masterzen's code into a Perl module, …

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MySQL: Using Views as Performance Improvement Tools

The most basic and most oft-repeated task that a DBA has to accomplish is to look at slow logs and filter out queries that are suboptimal, that consume lots of unnecessary resources and that hence slow down the database server. This post looks at why and how VIEWs can help against such suboptimal operations.

On LVM: How to setup Volume Groups and Logical Volumes.

LVM (Logical Volume Management) is a very important tool to have in the toolkit of a MySQL DBA. It allows you to create and extend logical volumes on the fly. This allows me to, say, add another disk and extend a partition effortlessly. The other very important feature is the ability to take snapshots, that you can then use for backups. All in all its a must have tool. Hence, this guide will allow you to understand various terminologies associated with LVM, together with setting up LVM volumes and in a later part will also show you how to extend...

MySQL Database cleaner 1.0 released

If you ever, and I think many of use DBAs have, been in the situation where you are stuck with data in the database that isn't used and isn't accessed, data which may consist of rows that are no longer used, data rows that aren't references, because you don't use FOREIGN KEYs or they weren't applicable in this case. Or data that was once used, but no longer is.

And in many cases, this data is tucked in among your other good rows of data :-( One way of cleaning up the database in a case like this is to run standard DELETE statements, but there are a few issues with this:

  • You may be accessing a lot of data, so this may take a while.
  • You will be locking large amount of data for this.
  • The join statement to get the data that is no longer used and / or no longer referenced is complex.
  • There is no really good way to split this DELETE in smaller chunks, except using LIMIT, but if what …
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