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Displaying posts with tag: solaris (reset)
MySQL University: MySQL and ZFS

This Thursday (March 12th, 14:00 UTC), Martin MC Brown will give a MySQL University session on MySQL and ZFS. MC works on the MySQL Documentation Team and has been involved with quite a few Solaris things, for example porting MySQL to openSolaris. MC has recently given MySQL University talks on developing MySQL on Solaris and about using DTrace with MySQL.

For MySQL University sessions, point your browser to this page. You need a browser with a working Flash plugin. You may register for a Dimdim account, but you don't …

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Technology Adoption (2 of 4)

As I referenced in my prior entry, I'm reviewing Sun's three major strategic imperatives, and our progress going in to next fiscal year. Our strategic imperatives, in order, are:

1. Technology Adoption
2. Commercial Innovation
3. Efficiently Connecting 1. and 2.

This entry focuses on the first, Technology Adoption. Adoption is a non-economic phenomena, no money is spent, only time - yet it has extreme financial consequences. Let me give you an example.

I was with a big customer of ours last year, and reading through my account briefing before the meeting, I knew we were doing well. An analysis of their download activity showed they were heavy users of Solaris and OpenSolaris, and they had a large internal community of MySQL users, as well. In the meeting, their CIO said "we love where Solaris is headed." I …

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MySQL Advice for Solaris Containers, Java, & SugarCRM performance

The ISV Engineering team at Sun has released 3 new documents giving important MySQL implementation and performance advice on Solaris Containers, Java technology, and SugarCRM.

The first is another great publication in the Sun BluePrint™ Series called Running MySQL Database in Solaris Containers by Ritu Kamboj and Giri MandalikaSolaris Containers are a Sun unique virtualization option that let applications run on the same server in isolation from each other.    This allows easier workload resource management, maintenance …

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MySQL Advice for Solaris Containers, Java, & SugarCRM performance

The ISV Engineering team at Sun has released 3 new documents giving important MySQL implementation and performance advice on Solaris Containers, Java technology, and SugarCRM.

The first is another great publication in the Sun BluePrint™ Series called Running MySQL Database in Solaris Containers by Ritu Kamboj and Giri MandalikaSolaris Containers are a Sun unique virtualization option that let applications run on the same server in isolation from each other.    This allows easier workload resource management, …

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Understanding Sun in Three Easy Steps (1 of 4)

We've been making a fair number of announcements recently - on both the product and the partnering front. That's generated a lot of interest, and a fair number of questions. So I thought I'd take the opportunity to deliver this overview and the upcoming focused discussions on what makes Sun tick in a video format. Let me know if this is useful, or what else we can do to keep you informed via the comment field at the bottom.

We're approaching the end of our fiscal year, and given all the swirl in the economy, I thought it worthwhile to restate where Sun's headed as a company, to let customers, partners, employees and investors see and understand where we're headed. Clarity's always useful, doubly so in times of uncertainty.

Let me start by joining the chorus of those worried about the global economy. I am routinely talking to customers now partially owned by governments, whose share prices have declined 95% or more, whose balance …

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HP Joins Solaris Community (Live Free or Die)

In 1809, a hero in America's Revolutionary War, General John Stark, was forced to decline an invitation to a military reunion due to ill health. He sent a toast to be read in his absence that began, "Live Free or Die." That phrase is now the official motto of the American state of New Hampshire (where Stark lived), known for a fierce sense of independence (and no income taxes).

Hold that thought for a moment.

Today, we're announcing the single biggest and most important OEM/distribution agreement Sun's ever signed for the open source Solaris operating system - through which we'll be joining forces with the world's largest supplier of high volume servers, Hewlett Packard. As a result of the deal, Solaris gains tier 1 status, …

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MySQL University: Developing MySQL on Solaris/OpenSolaris

We have a MySQL University session later today, featuring me and Trond Norbye (who works on Memcached development).

Ostensibly we are talking about some of the tools and environment details of developing on Solaris and OpenSolaris, but with a MySQL focus.

I’ve just updated the Forge page with the requisite information and a copy of the slides if you need them. Here’s the abstract:

Developing MySQL on Solaris requires you to install a suitable compiler and other tools, but you may be surprised to know that most of the material is there already, or easy to install if it’s not. But even more so, there is a huge wealth of information that you can get about your application while it’s running, both with and without using more traditional debugging methods. We’ll cover setting up a suitable environment, where to find the things you …

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Sun Blueprint : MySQL in Solaris Containers

While the costs of managing a data center are becoming a major concern with the increased number of under-utilized servers, customers are actively looking for solutions to consolidate their workloads to:

  • improve server utilization
  • improve data center space utilization
  • reduce power and cooling requirements
  • lower capital and operating expenditures
  • reduce carbon footprint, ..

To cater those customers, Sun offers several virtualization technologies such as Logical Domains, Solaris Containers, xVM at free of cost for SPARC and x86/x64 platforms.

In order to help our customers who are planning for the consolidation of their MySQL databases on systems running Solaris 10, we put together a document with a bunch of installation steps and the best practices to run MySQL inside a Solaris Container. Although the document was focused on the Solaris Containers technology, …

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Sun Blueprint : MySQL in Solaris Containers

While the costs of managing a data center are becoming a major concern with the increased number of under-utilized servers, customers are actively looking for solutions to consolidate their workloads to:

  • improve server utilization
  • improve data center space utilization
  • reduce power and cooling requirements
  • lower capital and operating expenditures
  • reduce carbon footprint, ..

To cater those customers, Sun offers several virtualization technologies such as Logical Domains, Solaris Containers, xVM at free of cost for SPARC and x86/x64 platforms.

In order to help our customers who are planning for the consolidation of their MySQL databases on systems running Solaris 10, we put together a document with a bunch of installation steps and the best practices to run MySQL inside a Solaris Container. Although the document was focused on the Solaris Containers technology, …

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Sun Blueprint : MySQL in Solaris Containers

While the costs of managing a data center are becoming a major concern with the increased number of under-utilized servers, customers are actively looking for solutions to consolidate their workloads to:

  • improve server utilization
  • improve data center space utilization
  • reduce power and cooling requirements
  • lower capital and operating expenditures
  • reduce carbon footprint, ..

To cater those customers, Sun offers several virtualization technologies such as Logical Domains, Solaris Containers, xVM at free of cost for SPARC and x86/x64 platforms.

In order to help our customers who are planning for the consolidation of their MySQL databases on systems running Solaris 10, we put together a document with a bunch of installation steps and the best practices to run MySQL inside a Solaris Container. Although the document was focused on the Solaris Containers technology, …

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Showing entries 111 to 120 of 218
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