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Displaying posts with tag: solaris (reset)
New Sun Contributor Signatories for MySQL

I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to contribute to MySQL.

Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)

Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.

So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …

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Improving MySQL scalability blueprint

My previous blog entry on MySQL scalability on the T5440 is now completed by a Sun BluePrint that you can find here.

See you next time in the wonderful world of benchmarking....

New Sun Contributor Signatories for MySQL

I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to contribute to MySQL.

Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)

Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.

So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …

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New Sun Contributor Signatories for MySQL

I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to contribute to MySQL.

Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)

Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.

So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …

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Improving MySQL scalability blueprint

My previous blog entry on MySQL scalability on the T5440 is now completed by a Sun BluePrint that you can find here.

See you next time in the wonderful world of benchmarking....

Improving MySQL scalability blueprint

My previous blog entry on MySQL scalability on the T5440 is now completed by a Sun BluePrint that you can find here.

See you next time in the wonderful world of benchmarking....

Script to start lots of MySQL Cluster nodes on Sparc CMT

I recently had the chance to play with the new T5140 servers. Using the Sparc CMT architecture, these servers present an amazing 128 cpu's to you to use (as a combination of cores and compute threads, there are 2 sockets only).

We are doing some trials with eager Sun customers who want to utilize these babies. The good news is that MySQL Cluster 7.0 (aka 6.4) will support a multi-threaded data node option. The bad news is, one ndbd process still only uses about 8 CPU cores, so to utilize 128, there is some way to go! So the bad news is we still have to launch many ndbd processes to get out the full power of these boxes. But the good news is that with 7.0 there is at least a point in trying at all.

I developed a simple script which lets me easily start a varying amount of ndbd and mysqld processes on one host (and then copy the script to also start same amount of processes on another host). If you have been using Johan's excellent …

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Script to start lots of MySQL Cluster nodes on Sparc CMT

I recently had the chance to play with the new T5140 servers. Using the Sparc CMT architecture, these servers present an amazing 128 cpu's to you to use (as a combination of cores and compute threads, there are 2 sockets only).

We are doing some trials with eager Sun customers who want to utilize these babies. The good news is that MySQL Cluster 7.0 (aka 6.4) will support a multi-threaded data node option. The bad news is, one ndbd process still only uses about 8 CPU cores, so to utilize 128, there is some way to go! So the bad news is we still have to launch many ndbd processes to get out the full power of these boxes. But the good news is that with 7.0 there is at least a point in trying at all.

I developed a simple script which lets me easily start a varying amount of ndbd and mysqld processes on one host (and then copy the script to also start same amount of processes on another host). If you have been using Johan's excellent …

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Script to start lots of MySQL Cluster nodes on Sparc CMT

I recently had the chance to play with the new T5140 servers. Using the Sparc CMT architecture, these servers present an amazing 128 cpu's to you to use (as a combination of cores and compute threads, there are 2 sockets only).

We are doing some trials with eager Sun customers who want to utilize these babies. The good news is that MySQL Cluster 7.0 (aka 6.4) will support a multi-threaded data node option. The bad news is, one ndbd process still only uses about 8 CPU cores, so to utilize 128, there is some way to go! So the bad news is we still have to launch many ndbd processes to get out the full power of these boxes. But the good news is that with 7.0 there is at least a point in trying at all.

I developed a simple script which lets me easily start a varying amount of ndbd and mysqld processes on one host (and then copy the script to also start same amount of processes on another host). If you have been using Johan's excellent …

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Sun's Network Innovations (3 of 4)

As I referenced in my prior entry, I'm reviewing Sun's three major strategic imperatives, and our progress going in to next fiscal year. Our strategic imperatives, in order, are:

1. Technology Adoption
2. Commercial Innovation
3. Efficiently Connecting 1. and 2.

This entry focuses on the second, Commercial Innovation, and reviews our core revenue products, services and strategies.

By now, you understand Sun's approach to growing the market - driving adoption of key technologies drives Sun's addressable market. Once you're using one of our fundamental technologies, Sun's innovations focused on those technologies are relevant to you. The beauty of free distribution is you don't have to pick customers, they pick you.

Three very …

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Showing entries 101 to 110 of 218
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