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451 CAOS Links 2011.02.11

Nuxeo contributes its Core to Eclipse. Nokia bets its future on Windows Phone. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Nuxeo is contributing its Nuxeo Core content repository technology to the Eclipse Foundation.

# Nokia adopted Windows Phone as smartphone platform, Symbian becomes a franchise platform, MeeGo reserved for market exploration.

# Rackspace acquired Anso Labs, the developer behind NASA’s contribution to OpenStack. …

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Sun's Network Innovations (3 of 4)

As I referenced in my prior entry, I'm reviewing Sun's three major strategic imperatives, and our progress going in to next fiscal year. Our strategic imperatives, in order, are:

1. Technology Adoption
2. Commercial Innovation
3. Efficiently Connecting 1. and 2.

This entry focuses on the second, Commercial Innovation, and reviews our core revenue products, services and strategies.

By now, you understand Sun's approach to growing the market - driving adoption of key technologies drives Sun's addressable market. Once you're using one of our fundamental technologies, Sun's innovations focused on those technologies are relevant to you. The beauty of free distribution is you don't have to pick customers, they pick you.

Three very …

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451 CAOS Links 2008.11.21

Sun updates MySQL Enterprise. The Microsoft/Novell deal is two years old. Nuxeo and Boxee get funding. Red Hat’s CEO on open source in a downturn. Steve Ballmer as a glove puppet. And more.

Press releases
Sun Enhances MySQL Enterprise With New Query Analyzer Tool to Boost Database Application Performance Sun Microsystems

Microsoft and Novell Mark Two Years of Interoperability Progress Microsoft

Nuxeo secures 2 million Euros and strengthens its board of directors and corporate governance Nuxeo

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