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Displaying posts with tag: FOSDEM (reset)
FOSDEM: 'Connecting MySQL and Python', handout & wrap-up

Apparently, my talk at FOSDEM 2010 about Connecting MySQL and Python was the only one about Python? There should be more, or?

I have a hand-out ready in PDF. The slides are not usable without my chatter. It contains a few examples and links. Any comments, corrections, criticism.. are welcome!

The longer version of this talk will be given at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference&Expo 2010 in Santa Clara, California (USA).

State of phpMyAdmin – FOSDEM 2010

Following the opening keynote “Dolphins, now and beyond”, Marc Delisle presented on “State of phpMyAdmin”.

phpMyAdmin is an DBA administration tool for MySQL available today in 57 different languages. This is found today in many distributions, LAMP stack products and also in cpanel. The product is found at

There are current two versions, the legacy 2.x version to support older php 3.x & 4.x, The current version 3.x is for PHP 5.2 or greater.

The current UI includes some new features including.

  • calendar input for date fields
  • meta data for mime types e.g images, which is great for showing the output as an image, otherwise blob data
  • Relational designer with the able to show and create foreign …
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MySQL Developers Room at FOSDEM 2010

I am in Brussels, waiting to attend FOSDEM 2010, one of the biggest open source gatherings in Europe, taking place this weekend in Brussels.
On Sunday, there is a Developers Room for MySQL and Friends, with 14 talks from open source professionals coming from Europe and North America.

The novelty of this round of talks is that thy will be 20 minutes long, rather than 1 hour. This will force all presenters to be more cautious about their timing, and to concentrate their talks on the essential. Even the experienced ones, who have given the same talk several times, will have to make an effort to come to the …

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FOSDEM: Change: Python/MySQL talk at 14:45 in MySQL Dev Room

Today we made a change in the schedule of talks held in the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010, swapping two talks. Change is:

The printed booklets found at the conference will not reflect the change, but the printable schedule has already been updated.

FOSDEM: Change: Python/MySQL talk at 14:45 in MySQL Dev Room

Today we made a change in the schedule of talks held in the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010, swapping two talks. Change is:

The printed booklets found at the conference will not reflect the change, but the printable schedule has already been updated.

MySQL & Friends Meetup @ Fosdem

Fosdem is coming up again .. It's going to be the 10th edition already So it's going to be 2 days and nights of fun, tech and geek stuff

Lenz already posted the announcement , but allow me to recapitulate.

The MySQL & Friends meetup is on saturday evening , we'll meet around 1900 in front of the under the big tree in front of the AW building...

As with the Devops Meetup you can once again vote for your preferred food

The crowd voted and Favoured an Italian place , so I've made reservations for a 15+ persons group at Sogno d'Italia which is …

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"MySQL & Friends" DevRoom@FOSDEM schedule published, want to join us for dinner on Saturday evening?

The tracks of this year's "MySQL & Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 have now been scheduled - please check the Wiki page for details on the talks as well as some background information about the speakers. This info should soon be available via the FOSDEM conference system as well. We had some last-minute changes and we actually managed to schedule two more talks due to a small glitch in the initial calculation. The topics look very interesting, we hope that we can provide some valuable information for developers, users as well as MySQL DBAs!

One of our speakers (Kris Buytaert) suggested to arrange a joint dinner for Saturday evening, which is indeed a good idea! Thankfully he also volunteered for coordinating it - thanks in advance! …

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FOSDEM 2010: Python sneaks into the MySQL DevRoom!

FOSDEM 2010, Sunday 7 February, the MySQL Developer Room packed with 12 talks! And this year we serve Python just before the lunch break.

In 20 minutes I'll try to give an overview of the drivers currently available for connecting your Python applications with MySQL. Incase you wonder, this will not evolve around MySQL Connector/Python alone!

We'll also go over some frameworks and tools like SQLAlchemy.

20 minutes, it's not much, but should be enough. I hope to get a similar talk accepted for the MySQL Conference&Expo 2010.

Announcing the tracks of the "MySQL & Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010

We are happy to announce the selected sessions for our "MySQL and Friends" developer room at FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. It will take place on Sunday, 7th of February from 9:00-17:00 in Room AW1.121.

In total, we received 20 submissions from 15 speakers. We'd like to thank them very much for their great proposals!

As we only have 12 speaking slots (20 mins each) available that day, we first needed to perform a selection process. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to perform a full-blown voting process that involved the community at large. Since we didn't want to do this in a completely closed committee, we decided to involve all speakers that submitted a talk in this.

After this voting process, the final candidates are (ordered by last name).

Update: Mikael …

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Call for Papers for the "MySQL and Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 extended until Wednesday, 6th

A Happy New Year to all of you! About a month ago we posted our initial Call for Papers for the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. We already received several great submissions and we'd like to thank the speakers who contributed their suggestions so far. But we would like to get some more!

Therefore we decided to extend the deadline for a few more days: you can still submit your talk proposals until tomorrow (Wednesday, 6th)!

So if you think you have an interesting MySQL-related topic to talk about, we'd like to hear about it! Thanks.

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